Knowing More

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"Whoa! Hey!"

You're holding tight on the reindeer you're riding, galloping at full speed. Two girls running after you. One riding another reindeer, the other riding an ice horse.

They came closer to you and the dark-haired woman reached for your reindeer and tried calming it down.

"Hey, easy there Lil fella. I know you're excited to meet someone new but you won't be able to know more if you kill her. hahaha" Hearing the dark-haired woman's voice, the reindeer calmed down a bit and slowed its pace until it completely stopped.

You're sweating bullets and still held on tight for dear life.

Elsa giggled beside you, riding her ice horse which you're still amazed at. "Don't worry. You're safe now. Honeymaren over there saved you" She gestured at the other girl who just smiled at you.

You sigh."I thought I was a goner for sure. Elsa! You said this would be fun!"

She giggled once more at you. "It is... It's fun to watch you. And now I know more about you"

"And that is?" You asked curiously.

She made her horse turn around, looked at you sideways, and answered. "You don't know how to ride, and you're loud when you're scared." She smirked at you and started going back to the village.

You and Honeymaren looked at each other. "Uhm.. so..." You smiled sheepishly at her. "Mind helping me a bit?"

She laughed, "Sure. Let's get going. And if you're good to me, I might teach you some tricks on riding reindeers" She winked at you and guided your reindeers back to the village.


Later that night, the villagers prepared a little feast to welcome you into their village. A bonfire is lit in the middle of the gathering. Some villagers danced around the fire. Some chatted, while others enjoyed the food.

You sat beside Elsa.

"Hey." She greeted you with a smile. "How's your day?"

"Good. I had a lot of fun today. Did you know there was a lizard here that spews fire? It was so awesome! And oh! Honeymaren taught me how to ride a reindeer properly and said she would teach me more some other time."

Elsa watched you talk animatedly. Amazed at how excited you are. "So you've met Bruni," she said.


"Yes. The fire spirit," she explained. "There are also other spirits living here. There are the earth giants, the earth spirit. You've met my horse, the nokk, the water spirit. And Gale the wind spirit." As she said this, the wind suddenly blew your way, seemingly playing with you.

You laughed. "It tickles haha."

"Gale is quite playful," Elsa smiled and looked around the crowd. She noticed Honeymaren looking at you. "By the way, I noticed you seem to be getting closer to honeymaren"

"Huh?" You looked at Elsa and followed her gaze. You and Honeymaren locked eyes smiled at each other, and you gestured for her to join you. You looked back at Elsa. She seemed distracted for a moment.

"Hey there" Honeymaren chirped and she sat in front of you. So what are you two talking about?"

"Elsa here just told me about the four spirits"

"Four? Just four?" She looked at Elsa and smirked.

Elsa laughed a little at this and rolled her eyes playfully. "Fine. There are five spirits."

"Really? And what's the fifth spirit?" You asked.

Elsa showed you her palms. "The fifth spirit is ice" Suddenly snowflakes burst out of her hands.

Your jaw dropped and you didn't know what to say.

The two women laughed at your reaction. "Now you also know me a little bit better."

"You become more and more awesome the more I know of you" You blurted out unconsciously which made Elsa's pale face a bit reddish.

"She's much more awesome than that," Honeymaren added. "She saved my people. Everyone in the village admired her. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even know what the sun looked like."

"Same for me. I only knew what sunshine feels like recently." You said.

Both women looked at you, puzzled.

"So what's your story?"

" Oh. It's nothing fancy like Elsa's. Quite the opposite actually. I wasn't a hero like Elsa. I'm the villain. I also didn't save anyone. I almost destroyed a kingdom and had an affair with the queen. She was a young queen. She has a fiance too."

Elsa didn't know why but she suddenly got nervous while you're telling your story. She held her chest and worry painted her face. "Anna" she whispered.

You noticed this and asked her what's wrong. She said it's nothing. And that she was just tired. She stood up not looking at you and said. "Have a good night."

"You too Elsa." you simply answered. And she left you and Honeymaren.


Am I doing fine??? LOL IDK...

We are Found ( Elsa x Female Reader )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant