A Letter to Momo (2011)

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Alternative Title: Momo e no Tegami (ももへの手紙 )

Director: Hiroyuki Okiura

Studio: Production I.G

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Supernatural


Momo is recovering from her father's death and adjusting to her mother's decision to move to a remote island. As she was looking around the new house, she discovers a message from her father that conjured three youkai who claims to be her guardian.


A realistic depiction of the struggles of a fatherless family but with a dash of troublesome guardian spirits. To be honest, I got scared of the youkai trio but along the way they showed a hilarious side of them which made me remember that this was a kiddie film.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Favorite character/s:

Mame. He is not as troublesome and stubborn as Kawa and Iwa.

 He is not as troublesome and stubborn as Kawa and Iwa

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