"Yes. How about tomorrow for lunch?"

"I can't, I have work. And I already skipped out on toda-"

"You skipped work to be with me?"

"Don't get a big head now Hazza," I teased, nudging him, "but yes I did. And if I want to even consider going to college next year, I can't skip again."


"Yes," I glanced over at Andrea who was now staring blankly at a glass of water in front of her on the table, "but that's a long story."

"Okay, so how about dinner then? Tomorrow night, lets say seven?"

"Sounds like a plan." I couldn't help but feel excited..but it was a different kind if excited. More like when you have plans with a best friend, not a date.

"Oh...h-hi..can I help you..uhm.." Some girl who worked here asked, realizing who Harry was.

"Actually, I was just leaving," he flashed his award winning smile, "but thank you. Demi?"

I turned my attention back to him as the girl giddily scurried away, "Yes?"

"I can't wait until tomorrow night." He grinned and walked out.

I turned towards the booth Andrea was still in. She was lost in thought, so she didn't notice when I sat down across from her.


She jumped at her name and her eyes grew wide, "Demi..how long have you been there?"

"Not long, I just sat down."


"Are you alr-"

"So how was your date with Harry?" I could tell she didn't want the focus to be on her right now.

"Good...actually it went REALLY good." I sighed and sat back.

"Well what's that look for? You had fun!"

"But that's just it though..fun. I didn't feel the romantic part at all! I mean, sure, I kissed him on the cheek a couple times but-"

"You did what!?"

"Cheek Andrea, the cheek."

"Oh, right..sorry. Continue."

"I just.." I leaned in closer an brought my voice down, "When I'm next to Louis..my heart beats so fast and it won't stop...I don't feel that with Harry."

"Demi, I thought I told you not to give up on Louis!"

"I have to."


"I just do."

"No, you dont."

"Yes..I do."


"Because! I..I love him SO much..and when I'm with him, I want to be WITH him..in his arms..but at the same time I know that I can't. That it won't happen because someone else is already there, taking that place.. and it hurts. It hurts so much. I look at him and I see the person I'm in love with.. and he's in love with somebody else. And..and it breaks me every time. It tears my heart to shreds...So, I gave Harry a try. But I don't think I could ever feel the way I do towards Louis, towards him..or towards anyone else for that matter." I finally stopped and took a shaky breath, realizing I had been crying.

Crap. I wasn't here to cry and vent about my issues to Andrea, I was here to help her through hers. She looked at me with concern and handed me a napkin so I could wipe away the tears that were trickling down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry," I cleared my throat and gathered myself, "Now, what's going on with you and Niall? Are you guys alright?"

Worry flashed through Andreas eyes as she tried her best to smile, "What do you mean?"

"Harry and I came in right as Niall stormed out..and you both looked pretty sad."

Her smile fell, "You saw that?"

"Yeah." I said softy, reaching over and placing my hand on hers, "What's going on?"

She took a deep breath and let it out, "He's just been so distant lately. I don't know. Whenever I make dinner for us at home, he eats then makes an excuse to go straight to bed. Then, he's always busy whenever I want to go out to do something..and when I try to talk to him he's short with me. I don't even remember the last time we had a decent conversation." She paused to make sure I was following along. After I nodded she continued, "So I asked him to lunch today and finally confronted him about it. And he did NOT like what I had to say..so he stormed out."

"Well..what did you have to say that made him so angry?" Niall and Andrea always fought, but they also always got over it..like within the same hour. So this, this was weird.

Andrea looked away for a second and locked eyes with me again, "Demi, I think..I think Niall's cheating on me."

"What!" I practically screamed.

Andrea shushed me, looking around,"Don't yell! The last thing I want is this to get out all over twitter or something."

Twitter. Crap. I can't believe I haven't even thought of that. I knew, I just KNEW at least one fan had to see Harry and I together at laser quest, which means about a billion tweets were headed my way. I sighed and looked back up at Andrea, "Sorry...it's just..Andrea common. Niall would never, ever cheat on you!"

"I don't know! It's the only logical explanation for the way he's been acting!" I could see tears filling up her eyes, which broke my heart. She was one of those people who when they cried, you cried.

"So you asked him if he was?"

She nodded and sniffed, bringing a napkin to her own face, "Yes. And he got SO mad Demi. Like, the worst I've ever seen him. He told me I was being stupid and I needed to stop making up things in my head..then he just LEFT."

"Can you blame him?"


"I mean, no offense Drea, but if someone you loved and trusted stared accusing you of doing something the exact opposite, making you look unaccountable, how would you feel?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. For a while she stayed silent, then she finally sighed and sat up, "Okay, you're right. Ill talk to him."

"Good! Now, other than this, how have you and Sabrina been doing?"

Andreas eyes lit up and she leaned forward, "I think she and Liam might have a thing!"

My own eyes grew wide, "No!"


"That's so cute!"

"I KNOW! But you can't say anything! It's only a theory..for now."

"Andrea, what are you going to do?"

"Oh, nothing."

"I know you. And it's defiantly not nothin-"

"Anyways! You have to come over on Friday because Zayn is bringing Perrie."

I hated her for changing the subject, but this one was just as interesting, "Really?!"

"Yes! And it gets better..for you."

"It does? How?"

"Eleanor's not coming."

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