Feeling Colors

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Regina walked into the art gallery, and saw many people gathered around one of her recent popular paintings.

She walked over and stood beside it and everyone's gaze fell on her along with their whispers of gossip. She wasn't surprised that most of the people over here were mostly news reporters or people looking for a picture of her to put in their magazine.

  Furthermore Regina Mills, is a famous business Owner and a famous artist. She owns the Mills tower passed down to her from her father.

Regina went to college getting what she needed to take her father's place, studying and working her ass off for his approval and to her surprise everything worked out in End.

Regina was brought out of her thoughts as the reporters flash their cameras and yelled a billion questions at her.

"Please one question at a time" she yells looking at them.

"How does it feel to be the one in charge of your father's company at the age of 23?" A girl with red hair asked.

"It feels great but I'm planning on making the company my own. I don't want everyone to just remember it as my father's company." Regina explained taking a pause.

"In the end I want it to be something more extraordinary. I want it to grow and I will strive to do that till the end," She finished.

"Regina have you found a special someone yet" a man with blond hair asked.

"I-I no I'm not looking for someone at the moment besides I have a lot of things that I will need to start working on so finding an intimate partner is the last thing on my list, but if I happen to become close with someone that would be my own business." Regina replied, getting a bit agitated with the questions.

"Regina can you tell me what inspired you to make this painting and what was going through your head as you created this masterpiece?" A red head asked her.
Regina smiled at the fact that someone is actually interested in her painting instead of her personal life.

"I used an emotion I've chosen to block completely, this piece means a lot more than what you might see. This painting represents pain but the innocence and naiveness that was strung along before being completely snatched away. "

Regina looked at her wrist watch and saw that it was just about time for her to leave to go to her meeting at the Mills tower.

"I'm afraid I will be taking my leave now" Regina says, walking past the news reporters in the gallery and more outside to see her personal driver waiting for her.

"Where too Ms.Mills?"

The driver asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror, "The Mills tower John" Regina say's looking out the window to the reporters and photographers.


Once Regina arrives at the tower John, her personal driver opens the door and she gets out while a security guard comes and stands by her side as more reporters and photographers wait outside the tower for Regina's arrival to bombard her with questions.

Regina walked past putting on her shades as they flash their cameras and shouted questions in her face.

When Regina got inside the building her assistant Ruby Lucas came running to her side.

Not only is Ruby Regina's assistant but she's also her friend.

"Regina, your meeting starts in 20minutes, and there's someone new on the council and her name is Emma Swan."

The Regina Mills Affair Where stories live. Discover now