Chapter Thirty Four.

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Third persons pov. (unedited)

Lylith let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back in her chair. Closing her eyes, they stung a little, she tried to relax but she had just received an email from a PI she had hired a while back. He had found the man that killed her mother, he also gave her the names of the man to hired the murderer.

Lylith knew that she had to talk to her father before doing anything about her new information. Picking up her phone she dialed her brother's number.


"Hey baby brother." Lylith almost sounded excited to be talking to her brother again.

"Lylith, I am so happy to hear from you. I was just thinking about you."

"You're cute, so listen. I'm coming home for the weekend, will father be home?"

"Holy hell, you serious?" he brother was shocked as her statement. "Um... I mean, yeah, father should be back by tomorrow. Wait, what's with the sudden change?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you have not been home for almost seven years and much less called to say that you're staying for a weekend. Did something happen?" Her brother was quick witted and that made her smile.

"Clever little Luka, I have paperwork that requires your father's signature. Besides, is it not your eighteenth this weekend. How could I miss such a milestone?" She heard her brother laugh on the other end. She had kept in touch with him ever since the time they met at the club about two years ago. "Anyway, I trust that my room was left untouched. Inform the Oldman for me please. I'll be seeing you Friday." With that she hung up.

It was almost over. At the end of this, she will not only found the reason for her mothers death but she would also be able to go back to normal.

Normal, right... That is what she wanted, was it not? Lylith closed her eyes once again. Her mind was going a mile a minute, she had plans to make. All her hard work will not be wasted. Lylith was brought out her thoughts by the light knocking at the door.

"Enter." Her voice rung out. Alec walked in with a file in hand. He softly smiled at Lylith and sat in the chair across her.

"This was sent by the lawyer's, all has been looked over and approved. Now all it needs is your father's signature." He said outing the file in front of her. "Oh and there is a man here, saying he was sent by your grandfather to come and see you."

"Send him off, I don't have time to deal with that right now." Lylith said with annoyence in her tone.

"I tried, even with security but one look at the man and they told me that they cannot do it. Apparently he is a very powerful man amongst the men."

With a long sigh she waved him off. "Send him in" She said as he walked out the door. Moments later an older looking man walked in, dressed in a black fitted suit and held a binder in his hand. Deep blue eyes scanned her office with an unsavory look. The man was starting to grey but still build like he was ready for war and with the way things were going Lylith was preparing for one.

"Miss Winters." He said as he closed the door behind him. Wordlessly she gestured to the seat in front of her. As he took his seat he placed the binder on Lylith's desk. "I am Solomon, your grandfatger..."

"I know why you're here Mr Solomon." She said cutting him off. "I shall read the contracts and his will, in exchange you will give him this contract that I have written up. If he wishes to discuss this further he will come to the Winters estate this Saturday." Lylith spoke without taking another glance at the man in front of her.

" And if he refuses?" Solomon asked. Lylith looked him in the eye before setting down the papers in her hand.

"You're a reasonable man, right Mr Solomon?" She asked.

"I'd like to think so."

"Then you will reason with him to show up. The stubborn of man cannot argue with reason. It would be illogical." Lylith lifted the papers once again. "Oh, and please send my greetings to my father."

Solomon nodded and walked out. Lylith smiled to herself, everything she had worked for was now starting to pay off and if it all went according to plan, the world that once seemed to cloudy to her would be as clear as day.

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