Chapter Six.

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Third persons pov.

Veronica and Alec sat at the table, laughing and enjoying the dinner that Veronica had prepared.

"I'm serious." Veronica laughed. "She shot the milkshake out her nose." The two laughed.

"So you telling me, that Riley shot her date with nose milk because you whispered a joke in her ear!?"

"It was the funniest thing ever, I am so glad I cock blocked her that night." The two took a moment to breathe and clam down from all the laughter. "Alec, may I ask you a personal question?" Veronica said laying down her cutlery.

"Yes, of course." Alec said as he wiped his mouth.

"Have you come out to your family yet?" Veronica looked him dead in the eye, Alec looked confused by her question.

"I'm sorry. I am not sure I understand what you mean." Alec cleared his throat.

"Have you told your brother and father that you are gay?"

Alec look bewildered. "How could you possibly have known?" He asked in hush tones.

"I didn't know for sure but you have now cleared my suspensions." Veronica smiled and propped a hand under her chin. "Don't worry, love. I shall keep this between us." She winked at him, who still looked dumbfounded. The room went deadly quiet before Alec finally spoke.

"I do not understand." He said looking at the table and then back to Veronica. "If you knew, why is it that you asked to cook for me?" Veronica smiled did not fade, instead it tired to a smirk. She leaned closer and grabbed his hand.

"Because I needed to ask you something." Veronica's face become serious, Alec on the other hand looked as if he want to flee.

"What do you wish to ask?"

"Do you want out?"

"Out what?"

"Your family business." The room once again fell to silence. Veronica did not take her eyes off Alec, his eyes shifted nervously. His hand started to shake. "You have no need to fear Alec." Veronica assured him. "I do not wish to harm your family or you. I swear, I just want to justify the death of my mother."

"Your mother?" Alec asked, sounding a little less afraid.

"Yes, my mother. She got caught up in this mess and was murdered. And unfortunately your family name is something I need to control." Veronica slowly let go of Alec's hand and looked away from him. "I know, it is dumb of me to be asked you for your help... I... I..." Veronica started to tear.

"Yes it is quite foolish to ask this of me, I mean this is my family we are talking about."

"I understand." Veronica said standing to her feet. "But how would your family react to hear of your chosen 'path'. I am still not going to tell anyone, it is not my secret to tell. It is only for you to ponder in. If you do change your mind, please, you how to contact me."

With that Veronica started to walk out. She turned at the door. "Thank you for a lovely evening." She said before walking down the hall to the front door.

She got her coat and opened the door and found someone standing right in front her. Veronica took a step back and looked up at the man before her. Dark, almost black hair, that drew focus to his gray eyes, he towered over and looked down at her with an unimpressed expression. Veronica was awe struck for a moment before she realized who he was. Her whole attitude changed, she held her head high and looked straight at him in disgust.

"Excuse me." Was all she said before sliding pass him, he caught her wrist just before she was out of reached. Veronica was forced to turn to face him. For a moment the two of them looked in each other's eyes in silence. Veronica jerked her hand out of his and continued to walk.

Awestruck at the events that passed, the man stood there and watched as she walked away. When she was out of sight he finally walked in the house, he walked into the the dinning room where he found Alec sitting at the table staring into space.

"Who was the girl that walked out?" He asked grabbing Alec's attention.

"Xavier." Alec stood to his feet. "Who.. Oh she is just a friend."

"So you have not had sex with her?" Xavier asked bluntly.

"You are so crude and no, I have not slept with Veronica."

"Then may I?"

"What the fuck, dude? Honestly, must you always be so blunt." Alec said gathering the plates. "You can try but I highly doubt she will want to be anywhere near you." He said as he walked pass his brother.

"We will have to see about that." Xavier smiled to himself.

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