Chapter Twenty Four

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Third persons pov.

"Our special today is a bottle made in Nineteen seventy four." Skylar smiled and looked at Xavier

"You said your name was Skylar, right?" Xavier asked.

"Yes sir." He smile again.

"Well then Skylar." Veronica spoke. "I'd like done water with ice and lemon. Oh and bring it in a jug."

"And for you sir?" Skylar turner to Xavier once more.

"I will have the same." Skylar nodded and was off. "He was the one with your uncle at the Café." Whispered Xavier.

"That means my uncle has him tailing me, bloody idiot probably hasn't gone back home yet. Too sacred of what grandfather will do to him." Veronica leaned forward and rested her arms on the table. "Don't eat or dink anything yet." She ordered him. "I'll be right back."

Xavier watched as she walked off to the ladies room. Hie eyes scanned the restaurant, inshearch of anyone who might be watching them. There were seven, excluding the blue haired boy. All sat separately, two at the bar, one two tables to the left, three on the other end near the rear window and one sitting behind them. The blue hair boy came back with the water.

"Will you be ordering now Sir?" He asked.

"No, not now thank you. I will wait for miss to return." with that Skylar left.

_~in the bathroom~_

Veronica looked herself over. She was trying to think of a plan. She thought of just leaving but they would follow her. Veronica really didn't need all this right now. Things were finally getting into place, veronica was so close to finding out why her mother was killed that night. Why did her grandfather have to interfere now, could this conversation not have waited?

"If its not the big shot Veronica Ives herself." A voice called from behind her. Looking through the reflection, she saw the blond bimbo the voice belonged to.

"Wow Rebecca, you had to get a second job?" Veronica turned to face the blond woman. "What the Café didn't pay enough?" 

Rebecca scoft and walked towards Veronica. "It's your fault i lost everything." she said standing infront of Veronica. "You and your ditsy little friends. Everything was going perfect for me before you three showed up." Veronica looked at the girl infront of her completely confused. Was she talking about Kevin and Riley? Veronica thought to herself.

"One; i have no idea what you are talking about. And two; you reek of alcohol. Could you please step back. You're starting to burn my eyelashes." Veronica pushed passed a now angry Rebecca.

"Where do you think you're going!?" Rebecca said grabbing Veronica by the wrist. "You think you're so big now. Well you're not, ohk. You are still that nobody you were in collage."

"I don't think you know this but I am the head of the Black company, I control the trading amongst the waters. Do you not think that that is better then waiting on people?" She asked in a condescending tone. Rebecca snapped and launched herself onto Veronica, Rebecca pinned Veronica under her and hit Veronica repeatedly.

"You took everything from me." she continued to slap Veronica. "I was going to marry Xavier, I would have been in your position today." Veronica pushed Rebecca off her and held her down. "Xavier would have been with me. My would have been alive. My life is ruined because of you."

"I was not the one that killed your brother, he was not part of any of this. And as for Xavier, I care not that you claimed that he was yours. He clearly didn't want you and that is no fault of mine. your life is fucked because you made it so." Veronica stood and looked down at Rebecca. "Look at how pathetic you are, I got here because I worked for it. I did not sleep with Xavier and magically get his company. Stop blaming everyone for your incompetence." And with that Veronica kicked Rebecca in that face, knocking her out cold. "You hit like a bitch." She said walking out the ladies room.

"What happened to you?" Xavier asked after looking at Veroinca's red face. 

"I ran into you ex, anyway. I need to know, can you fight?" she asked looking dead in the eye. Silence fell among the two, Xavier nodded on response. Veronica noticed Skylar walking back to the table and she smiled at his shock, he had not expected her to be sitting back at the table. Once he was at their table his expression changed to the fake smile he had been caring all afternoon.

"The bathrooms here are a mess." Commented Veronica. "You should really take better care of them."

"Cut the crap Winters. Why don't you make my job alot easier and come with me." Skylar dropped his facade. The blue haired boy held out his hand for Veronica to take it but she just looked at it,as if it were dirty or rotting.

"You still disgust me." Veronica grabbed the knife off the table and stabbed Syklar in the hand that he held out to her. He howled in pain and the seven men that Xavier had noticed sprung into action.

Xavier grabbed the one that ran from the bar and slammed him into the table. The restaurant broke out into panic. screams of terror filled the place as gunshots started to go off. Veronica ran straight at one of the men.Using his leg as leverage, she hoisted herself onto his shoulders and using her weight she fell back causing him to flip. taking the gun from his hands, she shot him between the eyes. Rebecca came running out the bathrooms and attacked Xavier, who already had his hands full with one if the men. Xavier grabbed Rebecca and threw her at the men, he turned to Veronica when he heard a scream coming from her direction.

Veronica had been shot in her leg, causing her to fall back. lifting the gun she had taken she shot the at Skylar, who had been the one to injure her. "Son of a bitch!" She shouted as she fired the gun at him. "Why wont you just stand still and die!?"

"You see I would but i don't don't think that will be much fun." He kicked the gun out of her hand. Veronica looked past Skylar to Xavier who was now knocked out on the floor. "I would really love to kill you right now but boss man wants you alive." He said standing on Veonica's leg. She screamed as the pain ran through her body. "Babe lets head out." He called out behind him. Rebecca skipped to his side as the last of the men picked Veronica up and slung her over his shoulder. Veronica tried to protest but couldn't find the energy to, she had lost too much blood and was now loosing consciousness.

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