Chapter Ten

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Third persons pov.

"Miss Ives!" Shouted Xavier after Veronica.

"How is it that you know my last name?" She asked turning on her heel to face him. Without warning Xavier pulled Veronica against him, one hand on her bare back and the other on her face. Veronica could not speak, she wanted to move away but her body betrayed her.

Xavier pulled her into a deep kiss, Veronica was shocked at his actions and was completely appalled by it but what made her feel worse was the fact that she kissed him back. Her eyes closed and her hands around his neck. Xavier pulled her deeper, arching her back and running his hands through her curly hair. A soft moan escaped Veronica, shocked at her reaction she pushed away from him. Xavier smiled at her, Veronica had a look of awe. Neither of the two said a word, Veronica turned back and walked furiously towards the ballroom. She was enraged by her actions, she searched for Riley or Kevin. She found them both standing in the corner, Riley in tears and Kevin consoling her.

"Riles, what happened?" She asked rushing over to them.

"Stupid fucker was kissing Rebecca." Kevin said looking pass Veronica at the blond boy walking towards them. Veronica turn to face him.

"Please let me talk to her." Johnathan pleaded.

"You kissed who!?" Veronica practically screamed.

"I know it looks bad..."

"Looks bad? Looks bad!? You seriously saying that it looks bad, that does not even cut it boi. (Hi... It's me, yeah the word boi is not spelt wrong.)" She cut him off.

"I mess up." He said looking down.

"Kevin, take Riley to the car. We are going home." Instructed Veronica, Kevin did as he was told. Turning back to Johnathan, Veronica stopped him from going after them. "You hurt her." She seethed. "I do not enjoy seeing her in tears."

"Vic, listen I know I messed up. It happened in the heat of things and..."

"No Johnathan, it did not just happen. You allowed it to happen. Now I am done talking to you, do not come near Riley, do not try to contact her or even look at her. You are done and this is your warning, I will not hesitate to hurt you the next time." And with that Veronica walked out the manner and got in the car that was waiting for her.

"Come her baby girl." She called out to Riley, who was still in tears. She fell into Veronica's embrace and continued to cry. The ride home was quiet. As soon as they got into the house, they changed and sat in the lounge. Veronica was laying on the floor eating Oreos, Kevin sat next to Riley, handing her tissues.

"You doing ohk?" Kevin asked Riley, who was sitting and wiping the last of her tears away.

"Yeah." She said softly.

"What some Oreos?" Veronica asked offering her the box.

"If food always your fix-it?" Riley laughed.

"So you don't want any?"

"What? No give me some." Riley reached for the box. Kevin laughed at the two of them. "Ohk, let's get my mind off of this. Kevin, I saw how you with looking at Mr tightass." Riley wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah. What was happening?" Veronica asked sitting up. The colour in Kevin's face pinkened and he look at his hands.

"Oh he is so amazing, he is gentle and kind." Kevin sighed. "Oh tonight was one of the nights I haven't had in a while. I mean other then the last part, sorry Riles."

"Oh forget about me, give us the details." Riley said cheerfully.

"Ohk, well he asked me to dance and how could I say no. He is such an amazing dancer, he also said I was the most beautiful women there." The three giggled. "He called me a woman, after I had told him that I was a guy. He just laughed and said that he knew."

"Ooo, someone's got a crush." Riley and Veronica sang.

"Guys quit it. It's not like..." Just then Kevin's phone went off. "Oh my God!" He screamed and jumped.

"What is it!?" The two asked.

"He just sent me a message!" The three squealed. "Wait what do I say?"

"What did he say?" Veronica asked.

"He said; 'Hey, it's Alec. I had a wonderful time tonight. We should do it again sometime.'"

"Say you agree." Riley chimed. Riley and Veronica watched as Kevin begun to type. Both with ear to ear smiles on their faces. Moments go by without either saying a word.

"He said it a date!" All three squealed in glee.

"Oh my God this is amazing." Said Veronica. "I am so happy for you guys."

"Thank you, but what happened with You? You still have not told us what business you had with Alec or how your talk went with Xavier." Kevin egged. Riley looked at her with the 'You better start talking' look.

"Alec is now my partner in the company." She deadpans. The two look at each other and then back a Veronica.

"That is not what we are asking for." Riley said poking her.

"Fine. Xavier started talking about his money, well his father's money, and how I could be living the perfect life with him. " Veronica layed back against the couch.

"Ooo, dumb move." Commented Kevin.

"Exactly, then I told him I can do that on my own. But he brought up how women would kill to get his offer and I told him he was a fool before walking away."

"Are you serious?" Asked Riley.


"Oh no no no girl." Kevin said shaking his head. "You better tell us everything." Veronica sighed and continued.

"Ohk well, after I had walked away from him. He came out calling me 'Miss ives', which is weird because I did not tell him or his brother my last name. But anyway, he grabbed me and kissed me." Veronica finishes nonchalantly. Riley blinks in confusion and Kevin's jaw drops." It pissed me off."

"What did?" Kevin asked. "The kiss?"

"No... The fact that I kissed back." Veronica said eating an oreo.

"Was it good?" Riley asked Leaning forward.

"He made me moan." She complained.

"How is that a bad thing?" Kevin smiled.

"Because I cannot be with such a man." The other two look at each other a smile.

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