Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, it's me again. I do hope that you are enjoying the book, I hope you are. If there is any spelling errors or the grammar is off, please do tell me because I am still editing.

And if you would like something to happen, I am open to suggestions.

Please vote, comment, share or all three.

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️.


Third persons pov.

Riley, Veronica and Kevin were now at the beach party. It is past four in the afternoon and the sun is still smiling upon the beach. Riley is laying down, catching a tan. Kevin is chatting up a storm with the gossip girl and Veronica is reading. She looks up for her book to look over the beach. Boys and Girls all having fun, some playing tonsil hockey and others simply enjoying themselves. Just then Veronica's phone rings, Riley sits up as Veronica answers the phone.

Veronica does not say a word but a smile covers her face and Riley sits straight up, waiting for her to end the call.

"Thank you very much." Veronica put the phone down and went back to her reading but the smile on her face did not move.

"Spill it." Riley demanded.

"Oh you're awake." Veronica smiled. "Wanna go for a swim?" She ask, Riley looked at her dumbfounded.

"Ohk wait." Riley stood up and walked in front of Veronica. "Tell me what the hell happened on that phone call." She demanded.

"Ohk, I'll tell you but you cannot say a word to anyone else."

"Pinky promise." Riley held out her pinky and Veronica hooked it.

"Ohk, so you know how I have been busy on the project for the past month now?"


"Yes, well I just found out it has been completed. Without any complications." Veronica smiled from ear to ear.

"What exactly is this project?"

"Well, I now own seventy-five percent of the Black.Inc company ." Veronica put down her book and held Riley's hands. "Do you understand what this means?" Riley shook her head. "It means I am now the biggest stock holder of one of the most successful international businesses."

"That means you are sure rich?" Riley asked with glee.

"Rich isn't even the word for it. Bill Gates will have a run for his money." The two girl scream. "Let's go for a swim." Veronica said taking off her shirt. Riley stood and held her hand. The two sped toward the beach.

A few not hours pass by and the sky is filled with stars, there is a beach fire going and everyone is either dancing around it or just simply enjoying the the heat. Riley is on the phone talking to her boyfriend and Kevin is flirting with someone, while Veronica sits with her book on the far end of the fire. Suddenly her light is blocked. She looks up to see who was it that prevents her from reading.

"Hey, I'm Mathew." He smiled.

"Oh, so you are the host Kevin spoke about." Veronica said as she stood. "Nice to meet you, Mathew. I'm Veronica." The two shake hands.

"It's a beautiful night." Mathew said looking up at the sky. "The stars are brighter her, then in the city."

"I know a place where you can see them better." Veronica said taking his hand and walked along the waters. Mathew did not resist and follow without a word. She lead him further away from the party and deeper into the beach front. Veronica stop at a place where they could no longer see the lights of houses or the bond fire that was made, they could no longer hear the sound of the people at the party. Veronica looked up at the sky and smiled.

"It's amazing." She said.

"Yes, you are." Mathew blurted out. "I mean the sky is. Not that I'm saying you are not, just that the sky is better. Wait no that came out wrong, the sky isn't better. I mean... I am making a total fool out of myself."

Veronica could not help but laugh. "You don't have to be so nervous." She playfully punched his arm. "Thanks for the compliment though." Mathew blushed.

"You know, the whole day you have been sitting and reading. I did not think that you would want to talk to me." He confessed.

"Oh and why is that?"

"One being you rejected my friend Thomas, without him saying another sentence to you."

"Well that was because his first sentence was; 'Yo babe, the names Thomas. Nice rack, I'd like for my dick to lay between.'" Veronica mimicked Thomas. Mathew chuckled.

"Wow, he is a bigger idiot then I thought." He thought about his word before began a second wave of verbal diarrhea. "Not that I'm referring to what he said was wrong. I mean it was but you do have an awesome set of tits. Fuck, did I really just say that. Damn, I am so sorry. I will just stop talking now." Veronica smiled at his idiocy.

"You're cute." She said looking up at the sky.

"You think that I am cute?"

"Yeah." She turned to face him again and was shocked at how close he was to her. "Your eyes a green." She said looking straight into them.

"Thanks , I hadn't know." Mathew laughed. "I know I have not made the best impression but would you allow me to kiss you?" A slight blush crossed her face, she nodded wordlessly. Slowly, Mathew closed the distance between their lips.

Veronica slightly stepped back but Mathew held her waist and pulled her against him. Slowly she eased into the kiss. Her hands found his neck and she deepened the kiss, his hands found the strap of her bikini top and he pulled. Shocked at his actions, Veronica pushed away from him, grabbing her chest to ensure she was revealed.

"What the fuck!?" She said as she started to retie her bra.

"Come on babe, I thought you were into it." He said with a smirk.

"Fuck you." She said and started to walk away but Mathew pulled her hair, forcing her to stumbled back into him.

"You know what I want." He said still pulling her and placing his hand on her breast and squeezing. He turned her to face him. "And I always get what I want." He pulled her hair, tilting her head back and he kissed her neck roughly. Veronica pushed him off her.

"You sick son of a bitch!" She started to walk away again but Mathew grabbed wrist. Veronica turned and punched him in the throat. When he coughed she broke his nose. Causing him to fall back. Veronica grabbed the collar of his shirt and started to drag him to the party. She dropped him off at the fire, still bleeding and crying out in pain.

"Riley! Kevin!" Veronica shouted. Both can running towards her.

"What happened to him?" Kevin asked with a slight laugh.

"Him? Nothing. Anyway I'm going home now, call when you are on your way." And with that Veronica left.

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