Chapter Thrity

11 4 1

Third persons pov. (unedited)

Gilda flinched at the sound of the glass shattering on the wall behind her. She rushed over to Lylith, who look as if she was two seconds away from murder.

"Honey, please calm down." She pleaded with the brooding brunette before her. Lylith turned to face her and immediately her expression softened. Veronica took in a shaky breath and closed her eyes.

"You sick, caniving, old sociopath." Lylith spoke with as much venom in her voice as she could. Her grandfather stared blankly at her.

"You will come to understand that this is the best decision you could ever make." His voice was smooth calm but cold. He had just told Lylith to hand over all that was under her name over to him. "This would make your life easier and your mother would be very happy." Lylith was taken aback by his statement.

"My mother?" Lylith asked calmly. Gilda looked up at her with concern. Her grandfather stood and walked around to the front of his desk. "You have some set on you. You out of all people speak about my mother. Have you no shame? That women died and you were the cause of her death!" She seethed. Lylith dispised the man that sat before her.

She could not understand why he was so bitter or how he could just assume power over every situation. A cruel smile appeared before he spoke. "You think that that whore of a women was your mother?" He laughter filled the room. "That wench only raised you because your real mother was not able to. Do you honestly think that, that she devil was your actual mother?"

The tension in the room thickened, Lylith was completely dumbfounded. The women she idolized was not her mother, then who was she? More importantly who was her mother? Lylith did not know she was in tears till she tasted the salty liquid on her lips.

"Father, I don't think this is the best was for her to find out." Alexander said giving his father a pleading look.

"Quiet Alexander, this must be dealt with. The girl will find out the way I choose." His father said walking back to his seat.

"The women you called mother was an illegitimate daughter, the stupid bitch didn't know her place."

Lylith stood frozen, she was trying to understand what her grandfather was saying.

"That women was born a mistake, a flook that came from another whore."

Her heart broke listening to the way he spoke of his own daughter, just because the women you birthed her wasn't his wife.

"Father please, you are hurting the child." Alexander pleaded, trying to calm the old man down. "She is still your granddaughter, do you not think that you should speak to her with a sober tongue and not one filled with shut rage." The room was once again silent, Alexander turned to Lylith. "Ly..." before he could speak she help her hand to stop him.

"You are my birth father, are you not?" She asked looking Alexander dead in the eye. Gilda sobbed softly, her grandfather seemed to enjoy the atmosphere of the room and her uncle... Or better yet, father, was completely speackless.

"I was too young to be a father." Alexander started. "Your mother knew what father would do, so she took you and raised you as her own. I am glad she did, because look as how you turned out. You are perfect."

Without a word, Lylith left the room. Completely ignoring the calls after her. Walking blindly she walked into someone. A slender woman, dark hair and even darker eyes. Her features very familiar, the women looked like an older version of herself. Lylith then realized the women before her was her birth mother. Lylith could not take this anymore, today was just too much for her.

Lylith's breathing became heavy and rushed, she turned to find her birth father standing behind her. He spoke but she couldn't hear what he was saying, all she could hear was thumping of her heart in her head. The world began to tilt.

Alexander reached out to chat g her before she hit the ground. "Vivian, go call the house doctor." He ordered.

Xavier walked out to see what the commotion was and rushed to Lylith's side and soon as he saw. He lifted her and went to place her on the bed. The doctor arrived soon after. After checking if everything was ohk, he told everyone that she had just been exhausted and that she should be left to rest. For the next few hours Lylith lays unmoving. Xavier never leaving her side, he sat and listened to her low breaths. Xavier heard what had happened from Alexander and was still trying to wrap his head around the situation. If he was struggling to deal with this then how must Lylith feel. He couldn't imagine what was going through her head. Slowly he got up and when to the bathroom, Xavier rinsed his face with cold water before heading back. He was shocked to see Lylith standing at the foot of the bed.

"Xavier get your shit, we are leaving." Was all she said before walking towards the door.

"The doctor said..." Xavier began but she cut him off.

"I care not, if you wish to stay. By all means do as you please, hut you will not stop me. I have more important matters to attend to, than some old man claiming family." And with that Lylith walked out the room and straight to the front door. Taking the keys to her grandfather's pride and joy, a 2019 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. With a smile on her face she got in the car with Xavier doing the same. She hadn't noticed that he was right behind her.

"I'm ready to burn this son-of-a-bitch to the ground." He words were heavy, laced with as much venom as her tongue could carry. What happens next, will either end me or him but I am willing to take that risk. If it means that, that monster is out for good.

OmnipotenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora