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JULIETS POV {a week later}
"Damnit." I said as I got killed. "You suck." Tayler said through the mic. "Shut up I'm trying stop being a bully." "You should stream." "Meh I don't know I don't think I'm that entertaining." "I could see the titles now 'Tayler bullying Juliet for 4 minutes straight." "So you admit it!" "You're a fucking bully." "I fucking knew it dude!" Tayler says trying to say it in the Rosa accent failing miserably. I laugh at Tayler when my phone went off.

bby boy🖤
hey we haven't talked in a while I miss you

same but rn im gaming rn maybe later

bby boy🖤
oh okay

"Is it love boy?" Tayler teased "Yes he wanted to hangout but-" "He has a point it's been like a week since you've seen him." "But my games!" "But you love him! Now go spend time with your boyfriend." "Wai-" Tayler hung left the chat. "Asshole." I muttered turning off my PC.

you can come over now if u want

bby boy🖤
be over soon

After a couple minutes there was a knock on my condo door. I got up and opened it. When I saw Nick a different type of happiness went through my body. He smiled slightly. Somethings wrong. He walked in and saw my PC. "When did you get into gaming?" "It was impulsive and now I'm addicted." "Yeah no shit." What's up with him? I closed the door and went over to Nick.

I tried to kiss him but he dodged it. "Nick what's wrong?" I said reaching for his hand but he once again dodged it. Okay that hurt like a lot. "I'm fine." "No you're not. Just tell me." Nick sighed. "I'm-You-We haven't talked in a week. You've been talking to Tayler this entire time and I trust you but I can't help but feel jealous. My own girlfriend doesn't have ANY time for me and I feel abandoned." I was in awe at his words.

"I-I'm sorry." "Cool." Nick said harshly. "I really am I've just been distracted and I'm so sorry." Nick didn't say anything. "I promise me and Tayler are just friends we ran into each other and have been gaming together." Nick scoffed at me. "You've been spending all of your time with him! Are you fucking serious!" I flinched at his yelling. He never yells. Not at me at least.

Tears formed in my eyes. "I'm sorry." "That's all you ever fucking say!" He's right. I'm a fuck up. "Baby I'm sorry." "Don't call me that!" "I-I'm sorry I'll make time for you I promise!" "Whatever. I'm done! We're done!" Nick started storming out. "Please don't leave me." He just continued storming out. He slammed the door and I fell to my knees.

I let out loud sobs. Nobody was here. Nobody comforted me. Nobody was here for me or so I thought. There was a knock on the door. Please let it be Nick. I opened it and there stood Tayler with a goofy smile, ice cream and Disney movies. His smile quickly faded when he saw my tear stained. "What happened?" "H-H-He-" I tried explaining my hands shaking. "Hey hey it's okay." Tayler places the stuff on the floor and hugs me. I sob into his arms.

He left me rightfully so. All I do is fuck up. I am a fuck up. I sob into his arms more. For so long Nick was the main source of my happiness. What am I supposed to do now? "What happened?" Tayler asked as I left the hug. "H-He left me." Tayler stood there mouth wide. I had told him everything about Nick it was nice finally telling someone. He knew how in love we were. were; past tense...

"He left me. Do you know how many times he said he wouldn't leave me! I-I don't blame him..I am fucked up and I can't do anything right and-" "Don't say that. You're not a fuck up." "Yes! Yes I am I-I had anorexia and I tried to kill my self twice and I'm so inconsiderate." "Don't say that." Tayler reaches for my guitar. "Make a song about it. I know how much you love music and I would love to hear you're voice." I nodded I grabbed the guitar and went to sit in the couch.

Tayler followed behind me.  "Cause there'll be no clear skies if I lose you baby." Tears rolled down my face as I sang with passion. My voice cracked slightly trying to hold back tears. "Let it out it's okay." I cried. That's all I did for hours was cry while Tayler comforted me. I looked down on my neck. I saw the locket and more memories flashed. When he gave this to me. I opened the locket and saw the picture more tears fell.

I grabbed my notebook and started writing lyric after lyric some tears fell into the paper as I wrote my heart out. I have never loved a person more and I have never experienced such heartbreak. Tayler was asleep. He's my best friend. The last person I have right now. I went to my room and grabbed a blanket for Tayler.

I unfolded it and laid it over him I tucked him in before going to my room and laying down on the bed. I slept with ease. It feels like my only escape right now. During my sleep I came up with a chorus. One I had to finish. I woke up and continued writing once again pouring my heart out onto the paper. I finished the last word before falling asleep again.

I stormed out. I can't with her right now. All she does is say sorry. I heard her and immediate regret filled my body but I still went home and I still acted like everything's fine but of course someone knew and some one asked and I told them the truth. "You love her Nick but you're angry. I get it just give it time Nick." "Okay. Thanks Charli." "No problem." She smiled softly before leaving the room. I just need to give it time.

1045 words.
what r ur thoughts luv ?

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