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"Your beautiful you know that right?" "Hahaha your funny." "Juliet look at me." I move my head away from his neck and wrap my arms around his neck and look him in the eye. "Your beautiful you just can't see it."

I bolt awake. Who was the guy in my dream? I need to find him. I-I didn't see his face. I don't even remember his voice. I need to feel that love again. I got up and sprayed some perfume on me since I didn't bring my boxes with me. I drove to Jadens house or the sway I don't know. I walked in and nobody was downstairs. I went upstairs and got some of my boxes and placed them in my car.

I was bringing my last box there when Jaden scared me. "Boo!" I almost drop my box. "Jaden!" I playfully slapped Jaden. He followed behind me as I went to my car and placed the box inside. I turned around and found my self face to face with Jaden. He was really close our noses basically touching. "J-Jaden.." he leaned in closer. "Yes baby girl." My knees turned into jelly when he said that. I can't take this anymore.

I crash my lips against his and when I do a car pulls up but we don't pull away. I pull him closer. The car leaves. We both pull away out of breathe. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Jaden said. I kissed him again. "Well I'm gonna start apartment hunting and if you wanna join you can." "Wouldn't miss it baby girl." Jaden walks away back into the house. I close the car door and go sit in the drivers seat. God damn.

That boy is hot as fuck but that feeling from the dream the feeling of I don't even know but I want more of it. My passenger car opened and I saw Jaden smiling and getting in the car. "So baby girl what kind of apartment are we looking for." I blushed a little at the nick name. I covered my face. "Well Jaden I still need to take a shower sooo we are going back to the hotel then we are going condo hunting."

Jaden smirked slightly I looked at him weirdly. I started the car and we were driving for a little bit when I felt a hand on my thigh. A blush crept onto my face. "J-Jaden.." "Do you want me to move my hand babygirl?" I bit my lip thinking. On one hand he is really hot and a good distraction. On the other hand I know that no matter what he won't give me the one thing I want...true love. "No." "No what?" Jaden asks I roll my eyes. "Don't move your hand." I say a little embarrassed. I swear I'm gonna crash because of this boy.


  I need to talk to Juliet she has to remember. I have to get her to remember. I drive to sway since I know that's where she probably is. I pull into the driveway and see Juliet with Jaden hovering over her I take a closer look and realize that they're kissing. My heart felt heavy. My eyes got watery. I know she can't remember me but I-I still love her. I pull out of the drive way and I go back to the Hype House. I go to my room and start crying trying to be as quiet as possible. I love her and I know I won't ever stop.


I took a shower and while Jaden was casually flirt talking. We were currently out condo shopping. "Ya know sweet face I need a nickname." He said as we searched through a catalog. "Like what?" I asked as I flipped through the pages. "Like I don't know stud muffin." I giggled at him. "What about..prince." "I love it." Jaden says seductively.

I roll my eyes. "Ooo I love this one!" I say excitedly. "Which one?" "This one!" I say pointing at the page. "Come on let's go! I need to buy it now!" "Okay princess whatever you wish." Jaden says jokingly. I roll my eyes playfully. Me and Jaden rush to the agent and I buy it. Jaden helped me put my boxes in my condo. "Now to the furniture store princess."

"No prince it's okay you go home get some rest. I'm gonna drive you home and don't you worry I'm staying at the hotel another night." Jaden sighed. "Okay babygirl." I drove Jaden home and went back to the hotel. As soon as I laid down I fell asleep.


  I need to talk to Jaden. He can not date Juliet. We all know that eventually Juliet will regain her memory and when she does she will go straight to Nick. I went to the living room where everyone was. "Okay guys we have a HUGE problem." Everyone looks at me confused. "Jaden is trying to get with Juliet." "What's wrong with that?" Griffin asks.

"Come on guys we all know that Juliet will eventually remember Nick and when she does she will go straight to Nick we all know this! Jaden will be hurt Juliet will feel guilty! They just can't!" Josh sighed. "Bryce is right. We all know that their love was...epic and just amazing." Josh admits. "Yeah but Jaden won't stop. Juliet may have changed but she is pretty easy to swoon. You should've seen her in high school."

"So Bryce what do we do?" Griffin asks. "Confront Jaden." Kio says reading my mind. "Yes!" Then we heard a car pull up. Jaden and Juliets voices then he came inside. We heard the car pull out. "Heyyy guys what's going on?" "Jaden you know we all care about you." "Yeah were are you going with this?" "You can't date Juliet." Josh said.

"What do you mean I 'can't'?" "We both know that eventually Juliet will get her memory back and run back to Nick. Jaden we are trying to protect you!" "Protect me? She's starting to like me and I've liked her-I-I'm in love with her! She's finally started to see me as more than a friend!

I know she'll leave when she remembers but I want to get as many memories as possible with her now!" Jaden had tears threatening to leave his eyes. Jaden left and went to his room. "Jaden is going to be heartbroken." I said. I know him better than anyone. Jaden takes heartbreak really really hard. This one is going to tear him up...

1116 words.

did u expect that?

insecure// a Nick Austin fanfic Where stories live. Discover now