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I was in a hallway I walked towards the end. At the end there was a room I twisted the door open and saw Jaden I smiled. I then saw who everyone told me was Nick. "What's going on?" "You have to choose." Jaden said with a monotone voice "Jaden what are you talking about I'm dating you." "But your still in love with me." Nick said "W-What are you talking about I don't even remember you!" I say defensively. "But you will." Nick stood up and walked towards me. He placed his hand on my face. I looked over at Jaden. He didn't have an expression but I could see a sad and teary eyed Jaden. I pushed Nick away but he forcefully kissed me.

I woke up and didn't see Jaden next to me. He walked out from the bathroom. What in the world was that dream about? "Morning babygirl." Jaden said coming out of the shower. He had a towel on. "Morning Love." I say smiling. "When is your song coming out today?" "Probably at 12." "I'm taking you out for breakfast."

"Baby I don't want you spending money." "Well too bad because I am. Just steal some of my clothes." I smile. I get up and take a shower I come out and feel a pair of eyes on me. Jaden was staring me down admiring my body. I looked at him sweetly. "I love you." "I love you too." We shared a small smile.


Juliets manager posted on her Instagram that her new song comes out today at 12. It's 10:59 I shouldn't listen to it but I think I'm going too. I know it's gonna cause me damage but I just want to know that she's okay that she's happy. Chase practically force feeds me and I don't have to motivation to move at all.

I looked over at the mirror. Juliet wouldn't want this. I'm sorry that I disappointed you baby. A tear drop fell from my eyes. Then I remembered she doesn't remember me. Maybe she never will. Maybe that's not a horrible thing. Who am I kidding it would be a terrible thing. Come on baby please remember.

JULIETS POV {after breakfast}

It's finally 12 and Jaden has a happy smile on his face. I go to my vevo and click on the newest song.

As it plays Jaden looks at me seductively. His eyes filled with lust.

  Tears trickled down my face just thinking of the fact that she definitely made this song about Jaden. It's pure lust with him. Guess that was something I couldn't give her. I'm not gonna do anything but this hurts a lot. I go into twitter.

love u even tho u don't remember lol
your beautiful you just can't see it
miss ur head kisses
your my everything


Jaden was in the shower cleaning up. I felt content for the most part. I go onto twitter I'm getting tagged in a bunch of tweets I look at them skimming over them. My eyes freeze when I reach one in particular

your beautiful you just can't see it

In a rush everything came back. Everyone. Everything. Every kiss with Nick. Every loving moment. Tears filled my eyes as I realized what I had done. I felt horrible it feels like I had cheated on Nick.

I grab my things and bolt out the room I rush down the stairs as tears spill from my eyes my hand covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming. "Woah Juliet what's going on?" Josh asks walking towards me.

I run to my car and get in as I start the engine I look up and see Jaden at the door. "I'm sorry." I mouth at him as I exit the drive way. I don't know where I'm going. Guilt ridden as I drive.

I see that I'm running low on gas I look around me and dont know here I am. I find one using google maps I refill the gas. I look at the city I'm closest to Santa Clarita. I get the directions there and complete the drive.

I get a hotel and a relieved sigh exits my mouth. My phone is blown up with messages. I really want to hear Nicks voice right now. Tell him how sorry I am. Fuck it. I go to his contact and press  the call icon.

"....hi..nick I'm so so sorry I remember. I remember everything. Oh god I'm so sorry.....nick it's not okay I had sex with Jaden I'm a terrible person how did I not remember you. I'm so sorry oh god I'm so sorry... I can't tell you where I am...you can't tell anyone...Santa Clarita...bye..I love you too"

My eyes were puffy since I was crying on the phone call. I turned my location on only for Nick to see. I couldn't stop crying. I feel like I cheated on him. I do still love Jaden but Nick and I have this special connection. Oh god I'm so sorry. I stare at the wall waiting for Nick.

There's a knock on the door I take a deep shaky breathe and open the door. Nick stood there he looked sick. "Im sorry." I say my voice breaking a bit. He gives me a sad look and hugs me tightly. We back up and I close and lock the door. He doesn't let go.

If anything he tightens his grip. "I am so sorry Nick! I am so fucking sorry." Nick let's go of me and looks me in the eyes he wipes the tears off my face. "Don't be." He says softly. I craved the sound of his voice. "I feel like I cheated on you. Oh god. We never officially broke up! Oh my god! Nick I'm so sorry! I'm so fucking sorry Nick!"

I say tears still spilling as he looks at me. "Baby it's okay you didn't know." He says caressing my face. "I'm sorry." I say softly. He picks me up and he lays me down on the bed he lays next to me and puts his arm around me protectively. "I'm sorry." I say turning to face him.

His arm adjusts. His hand on my ass slightly "All that matters is that you remember now." "I love you. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with your smile. I'm in love with your voice. I'm in love with your touch."

Nick smiles. He kisses my neck slightly before placing his forehead against mine. "I love you too. More than you'll ever know." He kisses me softly on the head and we both fall asleep.

1138 words

so yeah. anyone see that coming I'm trying to be DifFeReNt. Do you think it counts as cheating? Let me know!

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