The Supreme Sith

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"I- I don't know. I-"

A clone rushed in.

"Generals, the suspicions about the chancellor have been revealed. He is Sith." he said.

We all exchanged looks.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I said.

The council members arose from their chairs.

"Lockdown the Senate building so he is unable to get out, and alert all Senators to stay away from him, and for all clones to be on the lookout." said Shaak Ti.

"What about you?"

"We're heading in."

I looked behind me at my three friends, who were all smirking.

"We're ready for more." said Talik

We started running down the hall, while brainstorming a plan.

"Ahsoka, we'll send your team, Master Ti, Grandmaster Yoda, and me with you to go find the chancellor, we need a team to protect the Senators, and another team guarding all exits." said Aayla Secura.

"Leave the exits to me." said Mace.

"I'll protect the senators." said Kit Fisto.

We all split up into groups, then went on with the plan.

"So Maul, did you have any idea about this?" I said.

"Not exactly. I was cast aside once his prized boy took my place." he said back.

"And whos his..."prized boy?""



"I'm afraid so."

I got on my comm link and contacted Rex.

"Rex! I need you to check if Anakin is still in the healing ward!" I said.

"Yes sir." I heard back.

We kept running towards the chancellor's office, and found him on a holopad with a clone.

"Execute order-"

I force pushed it into the wall, cracking it and turning it off.

"Hello Darth Tano, did you kill the real one?" the Chancellor said to me.

"You see, I am the real one, I have ended your clone, and I will now end yours also!" I said, igniting my lightsabers. From behind me I heard tons more lightsaber ignitions.

"You overestimate your power." he said, pulling out a red blade.

Maul was the first to attack. He jumped at him with pure anger.

I gestured to everybody to surround him.

There was now a circle around the chancellor.

"You're surrounded. Now put down your weapon and surrender." I said.

My comm link started beeping.

"Commander, Anakin is nowhere to be found!" said Rex.

"Dispatch all your men to track him down!" I said back.

"So you're looking for Anakin." said the sith.

"I know about your plans with him! You manipulated him!" I said, getting a little closer with my blades. More than anything I just wanted to cut this guy to pieces.

"Who has the force binders?" said Aayla Secura.

I nodded my head no, and saw many other head nods of no also.

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