Plan B

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We stood near a tall building, waiting for Maul's signal.

"We're in." I heard through my comm link.

"Roger that." said Ventress through hers.

I held my hands to Ventress for her to put the binders on them. She secured them on, then I put up my best mental shields just in case.

We walked towards the temple, then were met by a few clones.

"I've found your jedi." said Ventress.

"Thank You very much ma'am. Follow us, and we'll discuss your pay once we get her in custody." said one of the clones.

We walked up the temple stairs, then were met by two more clones.

"We'll take it from here." said one.

"Are you sure? She's a tough one." said the clone that was holding me.

"We got it."

The clone handed me over to the other one, and we continued walking.

"Phase one is complete." said a girl's voice through the helmet.

"Ventress, Maul, I need you to take down the security cameras." I said quietly.

"Okay, we'll signal you when it's finished." said Ventress.

We departed ways, and Talik took me to the interrogation room.

"Good luck. I'll be right out here if you need anything." she said, pressing a button on the control pad next to the door, causing the laser gate to close.

I sat for a minute, then thought of what I'd say to convince whoever was coming to interrogate me that I was the real one.

"General." I heard from outside the laser gates.

Great. Anakin was coming to interrogate me.

The laser gate opened, and Anakin walked in.

"How'd this happen!" he said, banging his fist on the table.

"The sith. The sith cloned me while I was on their ship. And now she's trying to destroy the order, and that's why I'm here!" I yelled back at him, not backing down.

"Liar! You are not the real Ahsoka! Now tell me the truth!"

"I already told the truth. And what makes you think I'm not real?" I said, sounding like my obnoxious 14 year old self.

"Tell me the truth." he said, clenching his jaw.

"I already told you the truth! Now let me out so I can go kill the clone!"

I didn't want to do this, but I have too." he said, raising his hand.

My throat started to close in, while I was being lifted into the air. "Now" I croaked to Talik.

I fell to the ground, and held my throat. I looked next to me where anakin was lying unconscious.

"Sorry Skyguy." I said, getting up and walking over to Talik.

"We should get out of here." said Talik

"Agreed." I said, starting to run down the hall.

We made it to the outside of the temple, then my comm link beeped.

"Backup please." said Maul.

"We'll be there in a few. Just transmit us your location."

We ran to where Ventress was sending a signal.

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