First Encounters

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A few minutes later, I heard footsteps.

"Woah! Ranger Rick, what are you doing in here?" Maul said, surprised and annoyed.

"Getting the smoke bombs you asked for!" I replied sassily back.

"No! There are tons of bombs down there! Smoke bombs are over here!"

"You know what, whatever, your ship is going to be destroyed in a few minutes."

"So I'd suggest you crawl out of there and get ready to jump!"

I quickly crawled out of the giant hole in the floor and ran towards the door of the ship.

"Okay, we're going down!" said Talik from the cockpit.

I pressed a button and opened the door, gesturing Maul to exit, then waiting for Talik.

She ran towards the door then jumped, I quickly ejected after her.

I landed on my feet, then looked up and saw Talik, who was free falling. I quickly put a grasp on her with the force, then slowly lowered her down.

"Let's go check out our little crash site." said Maul from behind me.

"Okay, and remember, blasters to stun, and no killing clones!"

"Got it." said Talik.

"Fine." said a pouty Maul.

We walked towards our crash site, staying light on our feet, just in case there were any surprise attacks.

"Just as I suspected, stupid birdbrains would come check out anything." Maul said, smirking

"Look who's talking, droids can't even use their blaster correctly." I said, rolling my eyes.

I looked back towards the clones and one particularly caught my eye. He then turned around.

"Crap." I said, balling my fists

"What now?" said Maul.

"Rex." I replied with

"Why's he such a threat?" said Maul.

"That means, Anakin will be here soon."

"Well let's attack before they can call him in!"

"On it." said Talik from behind us.

She walked towards the clones then said, "Hey, what happened here?"

"This ship just came down with nobody in it." said Rex.

"How unfortunate." she said, pulling her blaster out then quickly stunning him, then stunning the other clones around her. She gestured towards us to come.

"Not too bad." said Maul

"Why? What were you expecting?" Talik asked.

"I hate to say it but, you were better when you were younger."

"Whatever, let's go stop that clone."

We entered the temple, then decided to get around through the vents.

"We'll split up, then as soon as one of us spots my "twin" then we'll contact each other with these." I said, handing them each a comm link. "On three, sync. One, two, three." I said, pressing my button.

"Looks like we're on." said Talik.

"I'll see you both later." I said, going right, towards my quarters.

I crawled for a few minutes,, trying to navigate through the vents, just getting small glimpses of what was under me. Then my comm link blinked.

"Tano. I didn't find you, but I did find Skywalker. He's on a holopad with Kenobi." he said, his voice filling with anger.

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