The truth

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"We're clear. Come on, let's go." I whispered.

We walked alongside the large metal barrier of the base, trying to find the perfect place to get in.

"Sir, what about right there?"

"Perfect! Nice going Rex! Everybody, ascension cables out!"

I jumped up the wall and cut the two droids in half, then helped some of the other troops up.

"Anakin, go find Ahsoka, I will distract them from out here." said Obi-Wan

"Thanks Master. Rex, you're coming with me!" I said.

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and I'll come to you when I find Ahsoka, then start spreading out some bombs."

"Anakin, I know the drill! Now go!"

I destroyed the droids guarding the doors to the inside of the base, then ran to the cell blocks.

"Rex, go that way, I'll take this hall."

He nodded and ran down the hall.

I opened every cell. There was no sign of her. Why was her force presence so...strong then?

"Sir? Did you find her?"

"No Rex."

"Where else could she be then?"

"I- don't know"

I then zoned out, and had another vision.

-Anakin's vision-

"You are now known as...Darth Tano."

"But my name is Ahsoka."

"No!" the man said, zapping her with force lightning. "You do not disobey your Master! Now go capture Skywalker."

"But I love him."

"Loving him is not a part of my plan! If you capture him, everything will be ours!"

"But I don't want that."

"Then you wi-"

-End of vision-

"Ugh!" my vision had been cut off by Rex.

"Uh, sir, behind you."

I turned around, and there she stood.

But instead of her glistening blue eyes, she had red ones, with dark bags around her eyes. Her lekku stripes were now black. It looked as if all life had been sucked out of her.

"Ahsoka, I-"

"I'm sorry." she said, wiping a tear.

She ignited her lightsabers, which were now a scarlet red.

I gave her a sad, but surprised expression.

"Ahsoka, don't do this. You're making a mistake."

"What choice do I have."

I could sense there was a battle going on in her mind. Between the good, and the evil.

She then suddenly jumped at me, catching me off guard! I quickly took my blade from my belt and ignited it, blocking her attack. She swung her lightsaber uncontrollably at me, even her fighting wasn.t the same.

"Don't do this! This is not you! Fight off Maul!"

"I am not powerful enough."

"Yes, yes you are Ahsoka, you are making a mistake!"

She ignored me, and continued to lunge at me, each of her moves were getting less and less powerful, she was coming back.


"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"She's coming back!"

"Exactly what I wanted to hear." I said with a smirk.

Out of nowhere she collapsed. I turned around, and saw Rex, who was standing there with a shocked expression.

"So what now?" he said.

"Now, now we wait."

((A/N IDK I'm really not sure if I like this chapter but it's kind of just a filler chapter))

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