Lost and Found

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I wanted to just sit there and sulk at the wall. I hated this place. I didn't kill anybody! Well, sure I guess I did injure a lot of people but I didn't bomb the temple! I was very curious about what my clone was doing, so I decided to ask Morai.

I sat on my knees on the floor of the cell, and rested my hands on my thighs.

-Ahsoka's head-

"Morai?" I said.

"Ahsoka. A very wise choice you made." she answered

"Where is my clone?"

"The last I saw her she was running from the jedi."

"So...they're after her?"

"Yes, and they believe you. I have a feeling that somebody is coming to bale you out."

"They can't unless they..."

"I know, your group is odd, but they all truly care about each other."

"What about Talik?"

"You're friend is now serving only two weeks in prison, like you all were supposed to."

-Back to reality (lol)-

I was cut out of my head by the sound of a yelling clone.

"Prisoner! It's time to eat!" he said, opening the laser gate.

I stood up and followed him to the mess hall.

I entered the mess hall, keeping an eye out for Talik. I walked towards where they were serving food, and grabbed a tray and a few vegetables. I got out of the line, and sat myself down at a table, alone.

I picked at my food. I couldn't eat right now. I just didn't feel like it. I was then approached by a green figure.

"How'd you end up here?" said a soft voice.

"Barriss?" I said.

"I'm guessing your temple break-in didn't go so well."

"Well, breaking into the temple went great actually. We had to come up with like 8 different plans." I said, sarcastically.

"How long are you here for?"

"About a month and a half. You?"

"Oh- um a few more da- years." she said. I could tell she was deciding on what she would say. She was also a little shaky.

A few clones walked past our table.

"So, why'd you help me?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I honestly don't know. I get the feeling I was also under someone's influence."

"We'll hope you don't have a clone either." I said, chuckling a little bit.

She cracked a smile.

A strand of blue caught my eye. I stood up and looked around.

"Everything okay?" asked Barriss.

"Hold on." I said.

I did a double check, then saw the same clones that walked past our table earlier. This time, they were escorting somebody back to their cell.

I looked closer at the prisoner, then realized who it was

"Talik!" I yelled from across the room.

The prisoner turned around, then a shocked look blew over her.

"Ahsoka?" she yelled back.

Then one of the clones gripped onto her, and the other one pointed his blaster at me.

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