Chapter 26

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A/N: I'm back! I'm really sorry it's taking me months to update the stories, things came up and I needed to come back to the stories with a clear head. I'll try to have updates as often as I can.
Thank you again for your patience and for being so wonderful and keeping this story growing with the reads (51k is amazing :D)! Hope you're all staying safe out there!<3


My place had never felt more quiet.

The whole evening, after them dropping me off, I couldn't help but see Ariana everywhere. Laying down to go to sleep, even the pillow she had slept on still faintly smelled of her and I found myself shedding a quick tear over her not being here.

Sleeping was fine, I found myself dreaming about her and everything was fine for the 7 hours of sleep I managed to have. Waking up, everything hit quite hard and it didn't help that today was the day I needed to go have a talk with Michael about my job.

True to her word though, Ariana and I still did text ever since I had set foot back inside of my apartment. We had quickly facetimed before I went to sleep as well.
But I was starting to wonder how long we could keep this going until it became unbearably hard.

"You seem so distracted." I head Ariana say from the other side of my phone. We had agreed to facetime before I had to leave to go for my talk.

"I just really miss you. It's hard being in my apartment without you in it." I instantly regretted saying that as I saw, almost immediately, an upset Ariana on the other end of the line.

"I know it's hard. Just let me know how your talk goes and we will take it from there." Ariana said smiling. I saw a dog quickly come into the picture. She started to introduce me to all of the dogs she had and I felt it was as many as the tops I had put in her bags the other day.

We talked some more as the hour went by and I had to hang up to get ready.

I quickly went back to the routine of my way to work. The same boring walk to the station, the same boring train. I felt like this was going to take a very long time to get readjusted to the lonely life again.

My heart sank seeing my work place again and what was in store for me when I stepped through the doors.

I was greeted by Oscar and Kevin, the killer duo. They walked around the desk to give me a hug.

"We missed seeing you at work but you deserved your well earned time off and get better!" Oscar said, cheerfully. As I was unaware what Michael had told them, I simply silently nodded my head.

Just on time, Michael walked out of the office and looked at me. I forced a smile, hoping it would hide my nervousness.

"Ah. Perfect. Let's go somewhere more quiet." He said, sternly. Oscar and Kevin exchanged a glance and it did not help the way that I was feeling right now.

Michael had made a head start so I quickly jogged to catch up to him as he was heading into the empty restaurant. The restaurant was closed in between lunch and dinner, so it was the ideal place for a private chat.

I saw him look at me, as if he was waiting for me to talk. I wasn't exactly sure as to what I was supposed to say so I stared back dumbly at him.

"So...I reviewed your case with the board and shared some last minute information with them that I got in regards to your behaviour. We have decided to reinstate you." He said, smiling genuinely. But something was just irking me.

"Michael, how did this get so serious? I was only helping in making sure that the hotel was safe for our guests." I justified myself, trying to understand how

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