Chapter 2

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I watched her walk pass the reception. She said a faint hi while gently waving and her eyes were locked on me the whole time until she walked into the elevator to get to her room on the upper levels.

« What was that? Do you know her? » Alexander said quite excitedly.

I shook my head unable to utter a word. She was more gorgeous than I had imagined. The pictures of her were stunning but nothing compared to actually seeing her. The beautiful pictures weren't even doing her justice.

« Guess you're happy taking the night shift tonight. » Alexander interrupted my train of thoughts. Out of all of my coworkers, Alexander was the one I got on with the most. He was the laziest employee, but when I first started we instantly connected and around me, he was actually alright.

« I won't lie and say I'm excited. But I really hope they're going straight to bed and not ordering room service otherwise I will get slammed. » I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Alexander shrugged and after he finished his work left for the evening.

« Don't do anything I wouldn't do. » He said winking at me before he disappeared around the corner and down the stairs.

Kevin was staying until midnight and after midnight I was on my own. I decided to start to do some administration work for my shift, preparing the night audit and working on reservation checks. I had almost everything until I heard Kevin's voice snap me out of work.

« Y/N, I'm going to go. Cashier is closed, everything is fine. I really hope you have a good night. » He said waving at me and also disappearing quickly down the stairs.

I sighed. Alone. It was too quiet. I didn't trust it at all.


I felt a lump in my throat. Here we go. I looked at the phone. Room 28 is calling. I quickly check the system to see who is staying in the room.

Alice Hightower.


That sounded weird. I read the notes quickly and my eyes stuck to one sentence « ALIAS Ariana Grande »

My heart started pounding out of my chest.


« Reception, Y/N spea-speaking, how can I help you? » I said my voice a bit shaking from nervousness.

« Ah about time you picked up. » I heard the softness in her voice on the other line and made out a smile the way she said that sentence. She had  such an angelic, smooth and melodious voice.

« I'm sorry to keep you waiting Ms. Hightower. » I tried to snap out of it and control my heartbeat and hands from shaking holding the phone.

« Please, it's Ariana. »

There was a brief moment of silence as I had no idea what I was meant to say.

« What do you do for fun around here? Everyone has gone to bed and I'm bored. » I heard her question.

« Uhm – Eh – well most placed outside in the city would be closed around this time so uhm – I-I- »

What was happening to me? Why was I so nervous?

« I don't mean in the city center silly. I mean around the hotel. » she laughed at my obvious nervousness.

« Ah, uhm – well we have a rooftop outdoor pool, but it's a bit cold outside I'm guessing. » Stupid. You are stupid Y/N.

« Eh yeah, a bit we're in the middle of winter. » She laughed wholeheartedly. « Look, let me come down and I'm sure you'll find something by the time I get down there. » And before I had time to say anything, she hung up.

My heart started going out of control. I think this was the day I died of a heart attack. I gathered my thoughts quickly, grabbed the duty phone and placed the « away from desk » sign with a number to call in case someone showed up and I wasn't there.

A worldwide superstar was coming down to reception. Crowd control is not something I wanted or planned to do tonight. I quickly ran from the desk to the front door and locked the doors for the night. There did not seem to be any group of people outside anymore. I ran to the restaurant and asides from a couple of staff members finishing for the evening ready to head out the door, there were no signs of any other guests or anyone that could cause harm to her.

I ran back to the desk and I just froze in place.

There she was. The Ariana Grande. She was alone and I mentally high-fived myself for a quick thinking of locking the doors. She was looking around considering if she should ring the number on the sign. Her gaze finally met mine as I was standing like an idiot, out of breath, my whole body frozen halfway up the stairs to go to the reception from the restaurant.

« Running away from me uh? » She smiled and softly laughed as she saw my panicked face. « You're cute. » She added.

I instantly felt my face burning and she must have noticed my embarrassed face as her smile grew wider.

« So have you thought about it? » her voice hit my heart hard.

« Tho-thought about w-what? » I was still lost in her gaze and my mind was just not cooperating with me as it was stuck trying to contain my heart.

« You're not a very good concierge. » she teased and giggled as she approached me, still with an amused look on her face.

My lips just went instantly dry, my heart had not calmed down at all since I heard her voice and at this point I was amazed of still being alive. I felt cold sweats on my forehead as she approached me slowly. She was now very close to me and that provoked a whole lot of swarm of butterflies in my stomach.

« Come on. I hope you are a better cook. » she walked passed me, and I had no choice but to follow her to the restaurant.

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