Time between dog and wolf (part II)

Start from the beginning

- "May I say - welcome. Please sit down."

Tharn and Type greeted the old man and sat down.

- "Oh God Type, good to see you again. Mr Tharn, we are finally getting to know each other. Must admit that I was eager to meet the person who sent me that message. If I understand correctly you have something else to tell me."

Tharn didn't know how to react, though this was an older man, and surprisingly he had no hostile attitude.

- "I have a lot more to add and ask you. But it can wait a little while. I think Type is the one who expects some answers. It would be nice of you to answer honestly."

- "Honest? And what is the truth, Mr. Tharn? I can tell you my version of events, but I don't know if that's the truth you're looking for."

- "Sir, other guests have arrived."

- "Introduce them, before I start my story I want everyone to be there."  

The lawyer left the room.

- "Type, Mr. Tharn I invited two more guests. I think they should hear, too, what I have to say."

After a few minutes, Alex and Tum entered the room.

- "Tharn, Type! You're here too!"

Again, a deep baritone was heard.

- "Alex, Mr. Tum, please sit down so I can see you."

Alex and Tum sat in the chairs that were next to Tharn and Type. Four young men were staring at the old man.

- "It's nice to see you that way, though the circumstances might have been different."

- "Mr L, I will now come out so that you can speak to them in confidence."

- "Lawyer, no need to go, please sit next to them. You've served me faithfully for years, you know almost the whole story."

  The lawyer sat in a chair that was a little outside the group waiting impatiently for the old man to begin his story.

-"I called you today with a  purpose. First, I wanted to talk to each one individually, but unfortunately I don't have that much strength or time. Alex, Tum ... I know these two or three days have not been easy for you. I hope is that the media will finally calm down. They have written about me for years, but I didn't pay attention to the rumors. In case you are wondering why I am so calm while my son and my grandson have men for partners, I would be lying if I said I was. But I have done you a lot of injustice and now I have no right to interfere with your life choices. Nobody interfered with mine  either. "

There's old man take a short break. The boys said nothing, they waited for the old man to continue.

"My story is long, because it should cover a period of some 40 years, if not a little longer. I will have to take a break from time to time. Save any questions you may have for me, for later when I finish the story. So, as I said, it all started about 43-45 years ago. At the time, I was just one of the deputy chief mafia boss. I was never a hot head, always weighed well before making decisions. I think my boss liked it. That's why he introduced me to his daughter. I fell in love at first sight. It was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I thought at that moment that I was the luckiest man in the world. Look at that picture Type, you look a lot like her. Do you know, you also have Chinese genes. Your grandmother was half Chinese-half Thai. We got married very quickly and I built this house for her. She planted the garden. It was a beautiful life. Soon, she told me the pregnancy news , I was overjoyed. I have been very busy with the Organization. Marrying my boss' daughter helped me get to the position of Main chief deputy. Business went well, my wife gave birth to a son. But then just two months after birth, the baby died. My wife was in total chaos, she was confined in the room for weeks, crying, calling for a baby ... it took months to calm down. She finally recovered, everything seemed normal. After a few months, she told me again that she was pregnant, but did not endure the pregnancy completely. She was depressed again. Several doctors treated her and, to make matters worse, her father died. I came to the position of Head of the organization. I admit, I was more involved in the business,  care of my wife left to the doctors. And she was psychologically more and more labile. They suggested to put her in a psychiatric institution, but I didn't want to hear about it. "

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