Ch6-3 The Secret Places

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"Here they come, boys!" Captain Silver's voice rang clear through the night air. Even from so far away, it was easy to understand her words. "Ready yerselves!"

Cecil watched as the stream of pale blue lights flickered out from the gates of the Troian castle in the distance. It was an eerie, soundless procession. Like watching a ripple of ghostly fire flies make their way over the base of the surrounding hillsides. Something about it made his hair stand on end, even under all the padded armor.

The Daear...

Edge was juggling his weight from one foot to the other, the motion just at the corner of the Paladin's eye. He was also watching the Daear's charge, his face grim under down-pressed brows. "It feels like we're cheating death or something, Cecil. We should be down there in that battle with the rest of them."

I know... I feel the same way. But this is the plan. We can't go back on it now.

And because it was the plan, Cecil couldn't allow himself to admit aloud that what they were doing went against every soldierly instinct in his body. Where there was a battle, that's where his sword should be. Where his men were putting their life on the line, he should be leading them.

But I'm not there. I'm here on this hillside... about to do something just as dangerous.

Despite the fact it probably all equaled out, it still didn't make him feel any better.

"We've got to infiltrate the castle, Edge," Cecil turned his level tone toward the fidgeting Ninja. "Golbez's sensors indicated that Incrytan was being held within. If we can get a hold of that Crystal... then not just the battle, but the entire war can be won. Besides, if this is the Daear headquarters, it's very likely that we'll find–"

"Rydia," Edge intercepted quickly. There was a strained look to his face. "Yes... I know. We might find Rydia..."

Cecil nodded slowly. Encouraging. "We'll find her, Edge. No matter what. And this might just put us closer to doing it. Right?"

"Yeah," the Ninja frowned. "I just hate waiting. Especially with..."

Edge's words trailed off as the sound of battle rose in the distance. Metal on metal. War cries. The snarls of the Daear beasts. The anguish of death.

A nearby shout caused Opal to leap to her feet. The young Cleric stared with horror into the darkening forest until the Paladin caught her by the shoulder and shook his head in warning.

She took in a sharp breath, frightened eyes flickering up to Cecil's face. Searching for comfort.

She's still just a child... these are probably the first battles she's ever seen. Yet, she was able to muster the people of Troia and lead them here with the will of her charisma alone.

He offered her a quiet smile.

The girl reminds me of me when I was younger...

"Don't worry," the Paladin told her. "There are many able warriors leading the battle on our side. Captain Silver... my Red Wings... the Ranger Deric... and some of your own Captains as well. They will do their part. We must do ours."

Opal blinked, "Yes... Yes, I know. Just... so many could get hurt. Some of them are just townspeople."

"That's why we must not linger here," he nodded. "We may be able to cut the battle short if all goes well."

She was searching his face again, her throat working to swallow the tension that seemed to be choking her. When she spoke next, her words were more solid, "Okay... I'm ready."

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