Ch5-7 Forest Guide

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"Sooooooooooooo," Edge dropped full emphasis on the last sound of the word. It was a habit of his that bugged the hell out of Gramps. But girls seemed to like it. So there you had it. "You mind telling us where we're going?"

"Almost there," the accented common of the Elven Ranger drifted back over one shoulder. Forest green cape fluttered as he walked, blending in and out of the night treescape. There was something very deliberate about each step the Elf made -- even the placement of his boots upon the ground was calculated.

And it's seriously annoying...

"That's not what I asked," the Ninja muttered darkly. Then he turned his grey eyes accusingly towards Cecil. "Couldn't you have come up with something better than this? Strange guy appears out of the forest. Strange guy tells us to follow him into forest... We follow and are never seen again?"

All except for Golbez... who is probably the one behind all this. I just know he'll be laughing it up as his dark minions pick the flesh from our bones.

The Paladin grimaced. "Edge, we didn't really have a lot of choice in this. Silver's men were getting wasted. And from what I saw, we're going to need some real tactics and knowledge to be able to face down those creatures... whatever they were."

"Daear," the Elf spoke quietly.

"They are?" Edge attempted to repeat. "They are what?"

"No... Da-ear," he corrected, stressing the pronunciation to sound something like 'Day-Are'. "It is what they are called. They were once spirit people of the Blue Planet."

"Once?" Cecil turned his gaze on the Ranger. "That implies that they aren't anymore?"

"No," the Elf gave a deepening frown. He adjusted a strap on one of his shoulders before continuing. "The Daear were of the same origins of the Elven people. But, now... they have fallen to decay."

"Tell me something we don't know," Edge grumbled.

The Paladin frowned in disapproval. But the Ninja gave it no more heed than usual. Instead, he pulled his pace up to match the Ranger. It was doubly annoying that the Elf took such long strides when he was walking.

Damn tall people. No consideration for the vertically challenged of the world.

"So tell me," Edge pressed, "Why are you helping us out? I thought Elves didn't give a rat's tail for humans."

"That is not entirely true," the Elf responded quickly.

"Then what is true?"

"Humans and Elves simply have not had the opportunity to find common ground yet. But it can be done," the Ranger scowled. "It is people who think in your manner that allow the divide to continue to exist."

The Ninja King looked put-off at the reprimand. "Then where's the proof that Elves have interest in relations with humans?"

The Ranger paused, for the first time in their journey, and turned to face Edge. His slanted green eyes flashed as he spoke. "I am half human. I am also half Elf. Is that proof enough?"


Edge winced, attempting a gracious withdraw, "Yeah. I suppose that's good enough."

Cecil, however, was looking at the Half-Elf with a newfound interest.

Half-breeds draw other half-breeds, I suppose. That whole birds of a feather thing. Never did quite get it.

"What is your name?" the Paladin's tone held a hint of respect.

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