Ch5-6 Seed of Mutiny

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"Listen up," the incessant tapping of Pren's boot heel accented her sharp command. "We're now heading into the second phase of the plan."

You call being holed up in this wasteland part of a 'plan'? Where's the deceit and manipulation? That's my line of work.

Kip leaned one shoulder against the cold stone of the shattered wall, which might have been part of the outer defenses of the fortress of Troia once before. Now it lay strewn and scattered where the ground had cracked and shifted, leaving a deep gully of destruction through the center of the city. The darkening sky above seemed to reflect upon the gloomy aftermath of the once-great human establishment.

Bleh. Why couldn't you have chosen somewhere a little more scenic?

On the other side of the ruined clearing, Joran leaned quietly upon a flat stretch of stone. Her arms were wrapped with a hug around her chest, as if she was trying to fend off cold. Or fear. Or both. The moment the Lunar girl stepped within the presence of Pren, any openness that Kip had won from her had vanished.

No doubt, bad relations going on there.

Kip met Pren for the first time a few days earlier. And instantly, she had annoyed him. It had to do with her overbearing haughtiness. In the way she looked down her nose at both himself and Joran. It lost her all respect in his eye.

So far, this 'plan' has been way beneath my qualifications. If it wasn't for the fact that Golbez is involved, I would have bailed already.

Pren seemed to have elected herself the undisputed leader of the operation. And no real details of the big picture had been shared with him.

As if I was nothing more than some hireling to be dismissed.

O.M.E.G.A. crossed his arms with a disinterested frown. Something he knew infuriated Pren. It was in the furrow of her brow.

Well, she's about to get a real big surprise... and I do love surprising people.

"The Dracolich was only halfway successful," Pren continued. She fixed first Joran, then Kip, with a sharp glance. "It did bring the ship down. However, the troops were unable to capture any of our targets."

Joran's face was pale. "Golbez... he's still alive?"

"Of course he's alive," Kip gave a quick quip. "The whole blasted ship could probably fall on his head and he'd walk away with merely a scratch."

Joran gave him a startled stare.

He offered her a sly grin.

Pren's frown penetrated the exchange, "You seem so sure of the Half-Blood's abilities?"

"And you seem to underestimate them," O.M.E.G.A. grinned more, pale light gleaming from the whites of his teeth. "Which is why your planning has failed. And will continue to fail... unless you adjust your tactics."

"Silence," the Daear grated. "If I wanted input from a Defective, which I do not, I would have ordered it."


Kip's single eye narrowed at Pren, glittering a colder shade of green.

You've just sealed yourself a done-deal, Pren-dear.

O.M.E.G.A. simply leaned back in silence. Not a flicker of betrayal crossed his face. But the thoughts churned in tightening circles within his mind.

It's all about timing and detail... Something you obviously have no feel for.

Joran's eyes were upon him, seeming to sense his growing irritation at the Daear. Or maybe she was looking at him with a hint of sympathy? After all, the Lunar girl was often the victim of Pren's sharp tongue. She seemed sensitive to such things.

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