Intermission 1: In the Lunar Library

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Date: Three Human years before present time.

Location: Titlianus Library, New Lunar Homeworld.

The Grand Library felt like a crypt.

Row upon row of ancient tomes filled the chamber with their long decadent stares. A shroud of silver dust lay blanketed across everything, touching every corner and crevice. It dangled like tiny ornaments from the lace of cobwebs that flourished in the shadows. Each breath was gritty with must and neglect.

So this is all that is left...

Sorrow rose from the depths of Joran's chest as her gaze traced the forgotten wasteland before her. She lifted one hand to coax a book from its lair upon the shelf. With a heavy sigh it succumbed, the pages opening bare before her.

Her green eyes widened as she traced a longing finger over the symbols that shimmered across the page. Joran recognized the writing as old Runnian. It was a language that predated even the first memories of their society. In the short time that she had spent training at the Manor, there had only been one person that held any sort of comprehension of the old script. He had been her teacher, KluYa.

Uncertainty rose within her chest, just as it always did when Joran thought about him. Reflection brought old memories to life. Not far behind them trailed the gentle sweep of sadness.

She could still so clearly remember the very last time she had seen him. It was after their long journey to the core of the Moon where the Lunar sleeping chambers had been assembled. Still shaken and numb by the loss of their home planet, Joran had been terrified at the concept of the Long Sleep.

KluYa had reassured her with his gentle lopsided smile, taking her hand and leading her to a sleep pod. Though Joran had wanted to fight the slumber that fell upon her, her spirit drifted off to his final words.

"Sleep now, I shall see you when you wake."

Joran slowly shut the cover of the book, sliding it back into its place on the shelf. She closed her eyes for a long, quiet moment.

But when I woke, you weren't there.

It had taken a long time for her to recover from the double loss. Even though she knew it had been the space of many hundred years since the destruction of the Runnian Home Planet, for her, it felt like only two years had passed. The loss of her home was still tender in her mind and KluYa had been the closest thing to family she had ever known. Sometimes it was hard to tell which one hurt the most.

Now they were both gone, without any explanation.

In her heart, she wanted to believe that KluYa was somewhere on one of his grand adventures. He was forever touting off without notice into the wilderness of Runne, always to return with a journal full of sketches and observations he had made.

Joran had wished more than anything that one day he'd allow her to join him. She often thought of how much he would have loved the challenge of their new home planet. It was a feral and alien world that radiated so much life energy.

Yet, it was all silly hopes, she knew. And though words did not speak it, perception told her that it was doubtful she'd ever see her teacher again.

KluYa would turn blue if he saw the state that our people have allowed themselves to dissolve into.

She gave a deep sigh, tracing the spine of the book gingerly with one finger.

Even the written word is being lost, replaced by screens and technology. He would have never stood for such neglect and escapism.

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