Ch 4-4 Head to Head

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Rosa couldn't help but be curious about the Lunarian race.

After all, she had been friends with Cecil all her life. The knowledge that he was a Half-Lunar... that part of his heritage was wrapped within the secrets of the stars... was just as new to Rosa as it was to him. However, he seemed to have a harder time dealing with the concept than she did.

Rosa could remember the first time that they had a chance to talk alone at the end of the Crystal Wars. The Paladin had shied away from her approach a number of times before he finally admitted that he was confused and bothered by the revelation of his father's history. Which hinted at volumes in understatement.

Cecil never speaks so openly about things. And when he lets a little bit slip like that... it means it's really nagging at him a lot more than he's telling.

She had responded with only one thing -- the fact that no matter what his ancestry might have been, she loved him just the same. She remembered the quiet look on his face as he mulled over her words.A moment later, he had knelt down and asked her hand in marriage.

Yeah... so it was standing in front of the Big Whale out in the middle of the fields of the Mysidian continent. But Cecil's a warrior... he's never been one for tactical romance.

Of course, she had joyfully accepted his proposal.

That was even before she knew that he would be asked to step up as the King of Baron. For the most part, things were good. Rosa was happy with the past five years she had spent next to him upon the throne. Thoughts of the Crystal War and struggle with the truth of Cecil's heritage had faded as time wore on.

After all, Cecil seems about as normal as any pure-blood human that I've ever met. Nothing at all like Golbez... Or FuSoYa, for that matter.

All these thoughts drifted through her mind as she watched the old Lunarian Sage stride past her, down the hall. On a whim of curiosity, she called to him softly, "Uncle Fu?"

Maybe it would seem strange to anyone else to hear the young blond Queen using such an affectionate term towards the Lunar. However, FuSoYa was her uncle through her bond to Cecil. Despite his gruff and distant tendencies, she could tell by the way that he treated his youngest nephew that there was more to him than he let show.

FuSoYa paused, turning at the sound of her voice. His bushy eyebrows bristled, green eyes focusing on her in the flickering torchlight. Anyone who did not know him would have probably considered the Lunarian to be quite intimidating -- despite his short stature.

What is it about Lunarians that they all have this threatening air about them? They don't even have to do anything more than look at you?

And at that moment, the Sage's full attention was on her. Rosa felt a little shiver course through her body.

"Yes, child?" his words came softly, as if an attempt to ease her uncertainty. There was a deep, knowing light in his eyes.

Finding new courage, Rosa paced towards the Lunarian. "Are the reports true? Are you really leaving in the morning?"

"Indeed," FuSoYa's answer was measured. As was the way he leaned slightly on the staff in his hand.

"Why, Uncle? Is this Cecil's idea?"

"No... no... This was my own," the Sage gave a soft grunt. "There is not much I can do to add to the main questing party. However, I do think I may be of some help by other means."

"I'm not sure I understand?" Rosa tilted her head. Locks of soft gold fell in front of her eyes only to be removed with a practiced flip of one finger.

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