Ch 4-7 Three's a Crowd

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Didya check it out?"


"It was like... BOO-YA!"

"Palom... you're not making any sense," Porom frowned from behind the large sack she was carrying. Being very careful not to slip up on the steep incline of the airship ramp, she turned her attention back to her task with a hint of irritation.

Her brother was carrying a stack of tall boxes, which balanced precariously in his arms. It was all too obvious that he was trying to tote far too many at once... but for the sake of showing off, Palom would go to any length.

"I'm talking about King Edge, man..." the boy chortled, shifting the weight of the boxes in his arms.

"What about him...?" Porom grumbled. "Palom... come on... move up. This sack is heavy!"

"Hey, I'm trying here!"

"Serves you right for picking up more than you can carry."

"Hey, I can handle it. No sweat."

"Right..." she huffed. "So what about King Edge?"

"Heh... I knew you were interested."

Porom huffed, "Not really. But since he's going to be one of my traveling companions, I think I should know."

"Excuses... excuses... face it, you just love a good gossip!"

"That is not true!" she gave her brother a sharp nudge in the back. "You started talking about it first!"

"Eh! Eh! I'm gonna drop one, Porom! Don't do that!" Palom gave a quick glance over the railing of the ship.


"So... well... Edge. It's like night and day with him. Didn't you see?" the Black Mage smirked. "Ever since he found out that Rydia was in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters... I heard Cecil was about to pull his hair out trying to get Edge to agree to any plan that had anything to do with Golbez." The boy chirped, making kissy faces, "As soon as Edge found out that Rydia was in trouble, he was so totally ready to be out the door. Golbez or not."

"Heheh... really?"

"It must be looove, I tell you!"

"Yeah, that's so romantic!" she sighed.

"You would think so," the boy grumbled.

"Though, I didn't know King Edge had such reservations about working with Master Golbez," Porom mused quietly.

"Hey, don't you?" Palom scowled.

"Well... I don't know. I really haven't met him."

"Porom! Does it matter? The guy's a scum – Cecil's brother or not!"

"The scum that happened to personally heal us... and create the artifact that would heal the rest of the Mysidian population of the wounds the Water Crystal made?" she noted. "Not to mention he was the one who King Cecil himself said aided him in defeating the Elemental Dragon that attacked us?"

"Well..." the boy paused, leaning the weight of his boxes up on the railing for a moment of rest, "Just because he does a couple so-called good things doesn't mean he's really not just bad-guy scum. I don't really trust him... and I hate it that you have to be around him... when I can't go to make su—"

"Paaaalom," the girl rolled her eyes. "We've been over this before... how many times?"

"I know... I know. They need you in the party cuz you're a White Mage," he grumbled. "But why couldn't I go too? I'm a Black Mage! I could help..."

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