Chapter XVI

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|Chapter 16|
Let's kiss but let's not talk about it after.

(music on)




I felt his lips move against mine. My heart was pounding with shock and euphoria. His hand made their way to the back of my neck and kept one of them on my cheek.

I finally closed my eyes and kissed him back. My eyes let out a tear as I held his shoulders.

It felt as if the time froze like it was just him and me in this cruel world. It felt as if nothing mattered more than just us kissing.

I sighed and kissed him deeper.

I've read a lot of romantic books but sure does feel nice to experience it myself.

We slowly pulled away but kept our foreheads against each other. My hand interlaced with his before he went in for another kiss.

It was soft, gentle, and innocent. Two academic-focused boys finally taking a break from all the pressure and high expectations.

I sometimes feel like he was just hanging out with me because I forced him to in the first place. Then we became good friends but the thought of him just spending time with me because he pities me, made my stomach fall.

I pulled away abruptly. He opened his eyes and stared at me with confused yet scared eyes, "What happened? Did you not like it?" He asked.

"I... I do like it..." I said.

"Is there something bothering you? Did I do something wrong?" He asked once again.

I didn't know what to say. I might ruin his mood but I do think I already did.

"Why are you kissing me— well, I know I kissed you first and I'm sorry for that but are you kissing me because you like me or because you pit—"

He went in for another kiss.

My once tensed shoulders relaxed. I felt my eyes closed naturally after feeling his soft lips on mine.

Our lips moved in synchronisation. He sighed into the kiss while I felt my lips stretch into a small smile.

We pulled away, our eyes stared at one another like time didn't exist at the moment. It was euphoric. Addicting. Wait... No...

I looked down at our fingers interlaced with each other. My cheeks were heated and his cheeks were, too.

He didn't answer my question, though... It's fine, maybe it was too sudden for him as I was shocked, too.

We ate as if nothing happened. We talked like we didn't just steal each other's first kiss. If I knew kissing felt this nice, I could have kissed sooner than this.

"Did you know? Gwon Soo-Yun from our science class had a crush on you?" Jungkook laughed.

"Wait, that's too—"

"It's still a fun fact, though." Jungkook shrugged.

"But why would she have a crush on me? I don't even look that good." I let out a small laugh before chewing on his marshmallows.

Jungkook frowned, his lips turn into a pout, "How dare you say that." he huffed.

"What? It's true." I frowned back playfully.

The raven-haired male simply shook his head before telling another fun fact, "Oh, oh, did you know that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body?" Jungkook asked.

"It's made up of eight different muscles in all. Second, regardless of how you interpret strength, the tongue, though strong and versatile, cannot lay a credible claim to being the strongest muscle in the human body." I said.

"Oh, really now?"

"Yeah. How do you even prove that the tongue is the strongest muscle and stuff, it's still not confirmed." I stated.

Jungkook chuckled, "Why don't we test it to find out?" He asked, his eyes staring at my lips.


Jungkook hastily grabbed the back of my neck and placed his lips on mine.

My eyes went wide but closed them seconds after. I just wish this moment never ends. I loved this too much for my own good.

He pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I remembered why he's doing this, it was to test how strong our tongue muscle so I fought with his tongue.

I sat on his lap as his hands made their way to my back.

I gave up, I let him do whatever he felt like doing. I have no experience in this stuff and I have no plan on ruining it.

We pulled away. His eyes stared at mine before he asked,

"Can you be my boyfriend?"

|--~🐰End of Chapter XVI🐯~--|

hehe. new cover made by Nhicodelle. she owns a cover shop, I'd appreciate it if u guys visit it, especially if you have a book! she makes pretty covers ✊

btw pls don't kill me. i do not know how to make kiss scenes bc i haven't had one myself.

stay safe! leave a vote! ❤

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