Chapter III

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•//Chapter 03.\\•



Taehyung's eyes fluttered open. His eyes face void with any emotion.

The brunette stayed motionless and stared at the ceiling blankly. He has school today but he didn't care. After all, he's gonna die anyway.

"Tae?" a knock resonated the room as he stayed motionless. Not minding anything at all.

"Taehyungie? Are you awake? Can I come in?" Taeyeon knocked softly, afraid that she might startle her son.

The aforementioned male stayed silent and motionless. He looks peaceful yet very sad. Like a mannequin with the eyes of a crestfallen person who's damn tired of the world.

"Taehyungie? Are you going to school or not?" Taeyeon softly asked. Taehyung heaved a sigh and raised his bandaged hands in the air. He can see the blood soaking on the fabric.

"Yes, mother." he simply said and dropped hid hands on the bed slowly. He feels like he's floating on a dead sea but still feels like he's drowning.

Light illuminating his boring room and on the blank boy laying on his bed.

His mouth slightly agape as he puffed air softly. "Are you sure? It's okay if you skip school, love." she said.

"It's okay, mom. I can manage." Taehyung slowly stood up and went towards his bathroom.

He stared at his reflection with furrowed brows.


Dark bags under his eyes because of crying himself to sleep. Chapped lips and pale skin. He breathed deeply and scooted closer under the shower head since the bathroom isn't that big.

He stripped himself slowly as it hurts to move his hands because of breaking everything he sees yesterday which he slightly regrets.

Taehyung closed the shower curtains and turned the shower on. Warm water fell on his skin gently making him sigh in relief. He felt good for at least once.


"So how are you feeling, Tae?" Taeyeon asked and looked at her child with a soft expression.

"Fine." he simply said and ate his breakfast, not sparing his mother a single glance.

Taehyung felt bad for making her clean up his mess and making her worry about him. After all, he loves his mother with all his heart but just doesn't know how to express it.

"Okay, but call or text me when you feel--"

"I said I'm fine... There's no need to worry." he gritted his teeth while tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

The brunette doesn't know why he's acting like this. Is it because he can't accept the fact that he's dying? or does he want her to hate him so she won't feel so upset when he finally vanished from this world. Maybe it's both or maybe more.

Taeyeon nodded silently, trying to not make a fuss. "So? Have you writen your bucket lists yet, Tae?" she smiled, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Yes..." he simply said.

"Can I see?" she asked while smiling at him warmly. Taehyung pulled his bag towards him and looked for a small notebook that contains the bucket lists that he wrote last night.

He pulled out the specific notebook and hand it over to his smiling mother. Taeyeon opened the notebook gently and examined the writings.

"I'm sorry I can't do this with you. I'm old and my bones can't handle everything that you wrote. I'm very sorry..." she said with a sad tone and gave the notebook back to him.

"But I won't allow you to do all of that without someone with you, okay?Something might happen to you and no one will be able to help you." she said and sighed.

Taehyung nodded understandably.


"So? Are you finished locking yourself up in your room?" Jungkook mocked and laughed.

Taehyung sat on his chair with a blank expression. Not giving the raven head an acknowledgement.

"Kook, leave the sore loser alone." Yoongi butted it and chuckled. The brunette turned to Jungkook and glared at him.

"Happy?" Taehyung asked monotonously. "Very happy." the raven head said teasingly and sat on his chair, not averting his gaze on the blank brunette.

"Okay! Settle down, Everyone!" Mrs.Lee exclaimed and motioned everyone to sit on their respective seats.

"We're having a surprise test. I just want to see who studied without me telling them that I'll be giving a test." she said and picked up the stacks of papers on her desk.

"Get one and pass." Mrs.Lee said and provided them the test papers.

After they received the papers, their teacher gave them the signal to start answering.

Taehyung stared at the paper blankly and encircled random, not giving a single care if he got the answers incorrectly. He doesn't care if he fails, he's just going to pass away after all.

Jungkook peeked at the brunette's paper, trying to check if he answered the test correctly because he wan't that sure of his answer.

That's not even close to correct. What the heck.

The raven head examined the other's paper that is not covered. Not at all.

Well that's absurd... He never even gives me or anyone a chance to clance at his name and be only got two of the numbers right. What--

Jungkook thought and went back to answering his own paper.

Taehyung stood up abruptly while clutching his paper. The paper crumpled at the pressure that is given by its owner.

"Already finished, Mr.Kim?" Mrs.Lee giggled and eyed the emotionless boy.
The aforementioned male nodded and forced himself to give the teacher a small tight lipped smile.

Taehyung went to his seat and leaned on his seat with his eyes closed.

Jungkook turned to the brunette with confused look.

He's acting different.

"Mr.Kim...would you like to rewrite your test?" Mrs.Lee said. It's not like she has favoritism or something, she just wants her students to pass or have high grades. She does it to everyone but she knows when to give their papers back.

"No, thank you, Ma'am" he simply said, not even opening his eyelids. "Are you sure?" she asked one more time but Taehyung still declined her offer.

"Okay then..." she sighed.

Taehyung's careless manner during the whole day made Jungkook wonder on what might've happen but he didn't say a word and just continued to tease the brunette.

Something has changed. Everything has changed.

|--~🐰End of Chapter III🐯~--|

This isn't going to be sad for too long,okay? The fluffs are coming.

Don't forget to vote and don't be a ghost reader pwease!

I love ya'll <3

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