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After his fight, Deku had Kurogiri send him back to Tokyo, and now he stood atop of Tokyo Tower. And not just on the highest platform, but the very top of it. He held onto the spire with one hand and with a foot planted firmly on the side, his other hand shading his eyes as he scanned the city and the other foot dangled in the air. He observed the city from up there. All of the main forces were either there or in other cities, including Gigantomachia now that Mustafu was taken care of. He was slightly disappointed that UA wasn't completely taken care of, but it didn't matter. The damage was done already, and All Might's successor was killed, so it didn't matter. It wasn't like a few more heroes and some students could beat him. The only one that came close to being a problem for him had been Mirio and Aizawa. One was dead, and while the other could be slightly troublesome, there was no way Aizawa alone would be able to change the tide of this war so easily. As he watched he noticed that in areas the heroes were putting up a good fight against the Nomu and grunts. Or at least against most of the Nomu, but those who were fighting the higher quality ones were clearly struggling against them. There were also hundreds of Police and swat out on the streets, all of them doing their part to protect the city. Deku sighed and jumped down from his perch, flying down to the chaos down below.

Meanwhile at UA, everyone was in a panic. They had gotten attacked without any warning, and then when they thought it was finally over, Deku showed up and attacked. While they were still first years, everyone recognized Bakugou and Todoroki as being strong fighters, yet he had stopped their attacks very easily. He also managed to handle Mirio pretty easily, and he was stronger than many pro heroes already, and then he ended up getting taken. They were all afraid that Deku would show up and attack them again. Aizawa and Midnight had woken up, but the other teachers and staff were still either unconscious or unable to fight. Some of the third years from the hero course were asked to keep an eye out and if necessary, help to protect everyone. But while most of the students were freaking out, a certain group of them were managing to stay relatively calm and were discussing things now at the edge of the crowd.

"You want to do what!? Are you insane," Mineta harshly whispered.

"Damn grape head, you heard me," Bakugou growled. "I'm getting out of here and I'm going to find that bastard Deku, before beating the hell out of him."

"Did you not see how well that worked last time," Kaminari asked.

"I don't care, I'm going and I'm going to beat his ass!"

"Well you won't be alone," Todoroki said.

"That's an even dumber idea than Bakugou going," Iida said. "Besides, what are we even talking about this for? There is no way any of us are going. We have to come and stay here until it's safe, we must respect our teachers' orders."

"Actually I'm with Bakugou and Todoroki on this," Taiyo said. "Besides, it's not like we're safe here. You saw how Izuku showed up and just took Mirio. We have to do something before it's too late. As we speak he is battling Mirio and the rest of his group must be attacking the city. We have to do something." Uraraka and Melissa nodded their heads in agreement, both of them saying how they also wanted to do something.

"But Mealissa, you're a support gear designer and you don't have a quirk. Something like this will be very dangerous, the same goes to all of you. Like I said, no one is going. Like you said Tai, he can attack us. That's why we should stay here where it's safer."

"I don't know, I think we should do something," Kirishima said. "Just staying behind and not doing anything isn't very many. How about this, whoever wants to go raise your hand."

When he said that, a little more than half of them raised their hands. It was Bakugou, Todoroki, Taiyo, Uraraka, Melissa, Kirishima, Mina, Tokoyami, Jirou, Tsu, Satou, Ojirou, and Hagakura voiced that she also wanted to since they couldn't see her hand. Iida was about to say something, probably to tell them there was no point in saying who wanted to go since he wouldn't let them, but he was interrupted by a voice.

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