12.I-Island pt3

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The group ran up the stairs. There destination. The top floor.

"Wait how hight does this go," Deku asked.

"200 floors," Melissa answered.

Deku looked to the wall where the floor number was. "Um were barely at the 30th floor."

"Man that's way too many stairs," Mineta complained.

"Oh shut it," Deku said running down to Melissa. Before she could ask what he was doing, he picked her, princess carrying her. "Alright let's go."

"Wait, Izaya put me down," Melissa said.

"Nope, it's faster this way."

And it was. They quickly made there way up to the eightieth floor, where they ran into a problem. It was blocked.

Deku put Melissa down, panting. "What now, we can't bust through it. If we did we'd probably set off an alarm."

"I'm surprised you're not more exhausted," Melissa said.

"Ah it's nothing. I work out alot."

"Dude you have to tell me your training regimen," Mirio told him.

"Another time, for now we need to find a way to continue forward."

"Let's just go through this door," Mineta said opening up the door that led into the hallway.

Deku walked up to him. "Mineta, weren't you the one complaining about the villains the most. Well you just alerted them that were here by opening that door."

Moneta gulped. "O-oops."

"Well it's too late now, let's go," Mirio said running out, with everyone right behind him.

Before they could make it too far however, barriers started to seal off the hallway.

"Todoroki," Iida yelled.

Todoroki shot out ice, stopping one of the barriers from closing. After that Iida ran past, using recipro burst to break through a door. "Everyone hurry, we can hide in here."

Inside was a giant room filled with plants. "What is this place," Deku asked.

"This is where they research the effects that quirks have on plant life," Melissa answered.

"Wait, everyone look," Jirou shouted, pointing at the elevator at the center of the room. Someone was coming up.

"Don't tell me the villains found us," Mineta whimpered.

"Gee, I wonder whose fault that is," Deku asked sarcastically. "Anyway, we better hide and let them pass."

They all went behind a nearby clump of bushes, using them as cover. Soon after that, the villains arrived.

"Man they just had to pick a place with lots of place to hide," one of them complained.

Everyone prayed that they wouldn't be found, and crouched lower.

"Hey we see you, you stupid kids!"

"Well shit," Deku thought.

"What'd you say, bastard."

Deku froze. He knew that voice. It was Bakugo. He looked over, seeing both him and Kirishima.

"What are you two doing here," one of the villains asked.

"That's what I want to know."

"Hey dude chill, just leave it to me," Kirishima said. "We kinda got lost looking for the party, can you point us in the right direction?"

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