16.Story of Despair

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Deku sat stunned at what stunned he had heard. AFO had already left a while ago, but still Deku couldn't move, mostly confused and unsure about what he had heard. Though there were two things he did understand, things that pissed him off. First, AFO told Deku about All Might with his power, one for all, and how he too was a quirkless person just like Deku. The second, was that the big operation that he was a part of, was so Shigaraki could kidnap one of the students and try to make them join the League. And not just any student, but Bakugo of all people. To Deku, Shigaraki crossed the line this time. 

Deku got up and put his villain outfit on, save for the mask and gloves, though he did bring his mask with him as he headed over to the bar. He and Shigaraki needed to have a talk. A few minutes later, Deku stood in front of the entrance to the bar. Deku put his mask on, before opening the door and practically running in. Shigiraki turned and looked at Deku from the bar where he was sitting. And there, tied to a chair in the middle of the room, was Bakugo, and the moment Bakugo saw him he started yelling at him. But that wasn't it, because next to him was the bird headed student whose name, as Deku recalled, was Tokoyami.

"Dammit Shigaraki, you've gone too far this time," Deku yelled. "Not only did you kidnap him of all people, but you even brought someone else too!?" Deku turned sharply at Tokoyami and walked up to him and retightened his bindings. "You're not even doing a good job, if you wanna keep him tied up, then we're gonna need some brighter lights or he can't just use his quirk to escape." Deku walked over to Shigaraki, until they were almost face to face, and spoke so only Shigaraki could hear him. "Sensei told me what you were planning, and I'm going to tell you only once. This won't work, Bakugo would never join you, and I think it's safe to say that Tokoyami won't either."

Shigaraki just looked at him coldly. "I don't care what you think, nor do I care about any grudge you may have with the boy. As leader, I have decided to induct Bakugo into the League."

Deku, who had been ignoring Bakugou up to that point, turned around, ready to slap him. But Bakugo didn't stop, instead he just got louder.

"Dammit Deku! Once I get free, I'm going to kill you. You're place has always been beneath me, and just because you put on a mask that hasn't changed"

Deku looked at Shigaraki who shook his head and muttered that he didn't say anything. "So then, I guess he realized who I am, huh," Deku thought. Then he thought of something. He walked over to Kurogiri and whispered something into his ear. Kurogiri nodded and left through a portal.

"Hey where did you send him," Shigaraki asked.

Deku turned to him and let out a small chuckle. "Just watch. Trust me." Then Deku turned back to Bakugou and punched him in the face, shutting him up. "So you think that I'm the same Deku that you knew as a kid. The kid you bullied and called worthless everyday, the kid you beat up everyday. Well I hate to break it to you, but you're wrong. Though I have met him."

Just then a portal opened behind Deku and out came Kurogiri, followed by... Deku. But this Deku was different. This one was in tattered jeans and didn't have a shirt, and this Deku was still scrawny and had green hair. This wasn't Deku, but instead Izuku Midoriya.

Bakugou stared at him in shock. He had been sure that the Deku he knew his whole life was the villain, yet here he stood next to the villain. Tokoyami, who didn't know who Deku was, stared in confusion at what was happening. Something that Deku noticed.

"What's with that face. Don't tell me that Bakugo hasn't told you about this boy, about his childhood friend," Deku asked in mock surprise. He reached over and grabbed Izuku's hair and dragged him in front of Tokoyami. "Well I guess it's up to me to tell the story of this poor boy. You see, when they were little boys, they were good friends. Bakugou,  so talented at whatever he did, and this boy, Izuku, always following behind him. Then one day Bakugo got his quirk, and soon afterwards, it was discovered that Izuku was quirkless. Well when he found out, Bakugo started to look down on hima and treated him like trash." When he said this, Deku threw Izuku to the ground. 

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