Episode 0-1 (Part 2): First Time Hire - Distinction Certificate: Six?

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I continued.

"I may have forced some to work with me, but soon after I gained control, I told them they can walk away from their work, get their pay, and never come back to that life ever again. Anyone who stayed behind, that was a responsibility they were willing to take.

Hell, did Ch'en tell about the first time we officially met?"

Doc shook his head.

"Thought so. Her team was securing a rival gang's headquarters. I was there with a chopper to steal the rival gang's goods. And my men and I did our best to not kill any L.G.D officers. Including Ch'en. But then, she just had to force herself to break my word."

"W-wait, what did you do then?"

"Knock her unconscious. One punch was all it took."


"You can ask Ch'en for yourself, and if she goes sour about it, then you can tell."

"H-hold on a minute. What does this have to do with how you ended things in Lungmen?"

"Well that, I don't know."

Doc let out a confused sound.

"We pulled off one last score. Sorry to tell you, we had no good intentions on this one. We robbed a bank, and a drug lab at the same time. Of course I knew what would happen with the city, but what Ch'en talked about is something I don't even know."

"I-I'm getting confused. What's your point with the other details?"

"Well let me ask you this one first: what the hell did Ch'en tell you?"

Doctor was quiet for a moment. Before coughing into his fist.

"I think Ch'en could better tell you what she said."

I groaned. "Look Doc, I don't have time to find her--"

Doctor then stood up. As footsteps came behind me. I turned to meet the more calmer yet fierce gaze of the one and only Ch'en.

"I'll meet you two in the conference room." Doc gathered his papers and pen then rushed out of his office.

Which left me in the office alone with her.

Ch'en took a chair and sat across from me.

Well... shit.


I put my bowie knife on the table. Ch'en looked at me and what I was doing.

"What do you think are you doing?"

"You want to talk with me? Then put your weapon there." I noticed her sword was still strapped to her. Any moment, she could kill me right now. Though I doubt she can draw blood of a legal Operator here in Rhodes Island.

Ch'en glared at me a while longer. Before huffing and unstrapping her sword. She placed the blade on the desk beside us.

Just in case...

I swapped the knife and the sword's position. Ch'en became wary and jumpy.

"O-oi! What do you think are you do--"

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