Chapter 25

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Calumn's car up top ❤

Molly P.O.V
''H- how do you know my name?'' I studder out, this guy expects me to think that he's not going to hurt me? He could be a serial killer for all I know.

''I'm one of Jaeden's childhood friends.'' He says, damn he must have done his research. He laughs. Oh shit, did I say that out loud? ''Yeah, you did say that out loud.'' My face heats up and I turn away.

''S- sorry,'' I say quietly. ''Oh, it's fine. But, hey it's late. Why don't you come home with me, we can get those cuts cleaned and ice those bruises and you can get cleaned up. I'll bring you back to Jaeden in the morning if you'd like?'' He said, I stop to think for a moment. Should I go to his house? I have this strange feeling, a feeling like I can trust him. I hesitate at first, but nod my head.

''Ok, well then, let's go. My car is just down the block.'' He says and I follow him closely, but not too close. I'm busy looking at the ground, and before you know it I plow right into him. From the force that I hit him, I fall to the ground. I hit the ground with a loud thump. ''Ouch,'' I say under my breath. ''Are you alright?'' He says in a seriousness. I wonder why he didn't laugh, everybody else would have.

''Here, let me help you up.'' He puts out his hand. I hesitantly grab it and he pulls me up. ''Thankyou..'' I say quietly, I just realized that I don't even know his name. ''Calumn,'' he says. ''What?'' I say slightly confused. He laughs, ''My name is Calumn.'' I nod my head, ''Well, thankyou for helping me, Calumn.'' He looks at me and smiles.

We start walking towards his car again, and we are soon at a parking lot. A few more minutes of walking a he stops at a gorgeous, white Lamborghini Aventador. I stare at it in awe, ''This is your car?'' I say surprised. ''Yeah, would you like to get in?'' He asks, I nod my head rappidly. This is my dream car, of course I would like to get in it.

He unlocks the car and I get in. It has an all black leather interior. I was in complete awe, this was the car of my dreams. I was already in love with this car.

                At Calumn's House

We just pull up to Calumn's house. It is a big house, not a mansion, but still very big. ''You're house is so pretty,'' I say. ''Thankyou,'' Calumn says. ''Come on, we will get you cleaned up, and then I'll show you around inside.'' He says, I nod my head and get out of the car.

We get upstairs to his room, he pulls me in the bathroom and sets me on the counter.He goes to his room and comes back with a shirt and sweat pants. ''You can go ahead and take a shower, I'll disinfect your wounds when you're done.'' I nod and he walks out. 

I start the shower, getting it to a warm enough temperature, I step in. I can feel my muscles start to relax as the warm water hits my back. I lather up my oily and tangled hair with soap. I scrub all of the dirt and grime off of my body also.

After about 20-25 minutes, I am out of the shower. I step out, dry off my body and wrap my hair up with the towel. I go and get the clothes and dress myself.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Calumn sitting on his bed looking at his phone. I guess he didn't notice me so I cleared my throat. His head shot up and he smiled when he saw me. He gets up and brings me back into the bathroom and sets me down onto the counter.

He gets the first-aid-kit out of the cabinet and sets it beside me. ''Would you like me to have a nurse clean or wounds or would you be fine with me doing it?'' He asks, I point to him. He nods and gets out the needed supplies.

Every other wound, cut, or bruise goes fine until he goes to look at my back. I lift up the back of my shirt and hear him gasp. ''Is it really that bad?'' I say worried, he nods. ''It will be fine, but I'm going to have to disinfect the marks with alcohol, and its going to hurt.'' He says, ''I'll be fine, I've had worse.'' I say, he looks at me for a moment, worry written all over his face.

Calumn starts to pour the alcohol down my back, and I bite my lip out of pain. By the time he is done, I can taste a metallic liquid in my mouth. I had bit through my lip and it was now bleeding. He gets me a damp rag to hold on it.

My lip stops bleeding and we go back into his room. He starts making a bed on the floor and lays down onto it. ''You can take the bed, I can sleep on the floor.'' He says, ''Its your house, I can sleep on the floor.'' I say back. ''No, you're my guest I'll sleep on the floor, don't even try to argue with me on this.'' He says seriously, ''Okay.'' I say, knowing I'm not going to win this arguement.

               A Few Hours Later

I can't sleep at all, I am too paranoid to sleep by myself. I hear Calumn tossing and turning on the floor, I feel bad. This is his house, I should be the one sleeping on the floor, not him. ''Calumn, are you up?'' I ask. ''Yep,'' he says. ''You can't sleep either, huh?'' He says, ''nope.'' I say.

I pause for a moment, ''Can you um....'' I studder, ''Could you...'' I studder again. ''Just tell me, Molly,'' Calumn says. ''Would you come up here and stay beside me? I feel a lot more comfortable and safe when I lay beside someone I trust. But, it's okay if you don't want to.'' Wait, trust? How do I trust him already, I only just met him a few hours ago. ''Yes, I'll come stay with you.'' He says and flops down beside me. Then he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me up against him. ''Goodnight, Molly,'' he says. ''Goodnight, Calumn,'' I say. Soon we both drift off to sleep, and my mind wanders to Jaeden.

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