Chapter 18

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Jaeden P.O.V
"Y- you love me?" I didn't know if it was a question or not. I mean- of course I love her, more than anyone. But, I didn't expect her to say it. Atleast, I didn't expect her to say it first.

"Of course I love you, Jaeden." She paused for a moment before continuing. "And about your question earlier." She paused once more. "I would love to be you girlfriend." My eyes brightened when she said that. I leaned forward and embraced her.

"I love you so much, Molly"

"I love you too, Jaeden"

                    4 months later

Molly P.O.V
These past few months have been the best time of my life. Jaeden and I are so happy together. We've been living together for almost a year now. I've been having therapy sessions and they're really helping. Jaeden has been going with me too, and I'm very grateful. Even though I'm happy with my life right now, I can't shake off this feeling I've had the past couple weeks. I feel that something bad is going to happen soon.

Jaeden P.O.V
For the first time in a long time, I'm happy and at peace. It's because of Molly that I feel this way. We had been taking online classes, and we both graduated a few weeks ago. Molly and I both want to go to college, but neither of us have the money for it. We've both been unsteady these past few weeks, and I don't know what is going on. I feel that something bad will happen soon.

I walk upstairs and go into Molly's room. She's laying on her bed, listening to music. Her hair is tied into a messy bun, she's wearing an oversized hoodie, black leggings, and has not a drop of makeup on. She's perfect, I thought to myself. How could anybody hurt this beautiful angel?

I figure she didn't hear me come in, since she didn't even acknowledge my presence. I walk up to the bed and sat down beside her. She jolts up from her laying position in shock. Her eyes are wide as saucers.

"You scared me!" She yelled, I chuckled and she slapped my arm playfully. Again, I laughed, but didnt say anything. I lay down and kiss her forehead. She sets her head down on my chest, earning a grin from me.

After laying on the bed for about a half hour, Molly falls asleep. I look over at the clock, and realize that it's getting late. The clock read 9:47 p.m. I might as well get some sleep, I haven't had much in the past few days. Neither Molly or I have had much sleep. This feeling that I keep having, it's not a good one. Something bad is going to happen, but I dont know what or when it will happen. I'll try not to let it bother me too much.    

                        1 week later

Molly P.O.V
I've been getting letters these past few days. Every letter has a count down of days on it. The first day, it said '9 days' then the second day it said '8 days' I'm sure you can guess what the others said. I open the letter from today, '4 days left.' What does that mean? What happens when the countdown ends? I have a bad feeling about this.

Leah P.O.V (you're welcome)
"What are you planning to do?" I ask him, he looks at me with hate.

"You'll see, they'll all see. Shes mine, all mine. Nobody can take her away from me, especially that bastard! I'll just kill him eventually. Make him watch me torture her, then make her watch me kill him, she won't have any choice but to be with me....forever." He motions with his hands and let's out a laugh that sends shivers down my spine.

I was beyond pissed, after all this time he still wants her. Am I not good enough for him? What does he see in the slut anyways?

Maybe I'll just kill her, then he will come to me, begging for forgiveness.

Jaeden P.O.V
Molly is hiding something from me. I want to know what she is keeping from me. Even though I want to know, I cant force her to tell me. Shes been through so much, the last thing she needs is me trying to get information out of her that she obviously isn't comfortable sharing.

I walked into her room, obviously she didn't hear me coming. She shoved something that she held in her hand behind her quickly. I gave her a concerning look, but ignored it.

"I'm going to the store. Do you want to come?" She shook her head 'no' and gave me a small smile. "I'll see you later." I smiled back and walked out the door.

                    4 days later

Molly has been acting very suspicious these past few days, even more than she had been before. Something bad is going to happen and she knows it. I had to go to the 'store' again. But what Molly doesn't know is that I've actually been going from place to place to try to apply for a job. I'm going to the second place now, and I am just about positive that I will get the job. I can't wait to tell her.

Molly P.O.V
The countdown is up. Nothing has happened yet, but I feel that something will. Something bad, very bad... Jaeden had gone off to the store again, pretty unusual, but I didn't say anything about it. He's been acting off lately, we both have. I think he knows that I'm hiding something fro-

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the front door slam.

"Hello?" I paused, "Jaeden, is that you?" No reply, that's strange. I walk down the stairs and look towards the door. I see a large figure of a man standing in the kitchen, his back facing me. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I've been waiting for you, Molly" he says. God no, please no. Don't let it be him. He then turns towards me, a crowbar in his hands. "You've been very bad. I think it's time that I teach you a lesson. Don't you think?" He smiles, a sinister smile and laughs.

I recognize his voice as none other than...

Well.... once again I have no words, so

To be continued....

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