Chapter 15

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The way I'm going to do the flashbacks will only be in certain parts of Jaedens past. Then it will end and go back to present day.

Jaeden P.O.V
I look up and see my father..... dangling from the ceiling, with a rope tie around his neck. He wasn't moving. He was dead.

No, I never cared about my father after the abuse started. But, I still loved him. I mean he was my father after all. But, I never considered him a good father. I mean, what kind of father abuses their own child?

But, the thing was. I wasn't upset, at all. I didnt cry. I couldn't move. I hated myself for that, it made me feel, bad?

I sprinted upstairs and dialed 911 on the phone. My hands were shaking so much that I could barely press the numbers.

"911 what is your emergency?" The operator said.

"I need help.." I said shakily

"Are your hurt?" She asked

"N- no" I paused, "I- it's my father"

"Is he hurt"

"No, hes not hurting.... anymore.."

"What do you mean, hes not hurt anymore?"

"Hes dead" I said with no emotion.

"Can you tell me how he died?"

"I- I think he killed himself. Hes hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck."

"Hold on. The ambulance will be there in 10 minutes."

"O- okay"


                    10 minutes later

It all went by so fast. The paramedics burst through the door and ran up to me. I was in a trance or something. I couldn't move or speak. They were talking to me, but I couldn't hear them clearly.

I was pulled out of my thoughts all of a sudden, with the paramedic shaking me and looking worried.

"Where is your father?" He asked me

I didnt say anything, instead I went to the basement door and pointed down the stairs. They ran downstairs and brought him up on a stretcher. As I stared at his lifeless body, everything went in slow motion. As they brought him out of the house, I started to get dizzy...

And everything went black, again..

"I- I'm ready to tell you what's bothering me" She nodded, looking concerned. "Its about my past" she nodded once more and looked down at her feet.

"I'm guessing your past isn't so good either" it wasn't a question, she already knew the answer.

"Okay, so it all started when...

I told her everything, and I mean everything. She didn't look sad or mad. But, almost...confused?

"So, I guess that's one thing we have in common, huh?" She said it with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood I guess.

I just lightly nodded and looked over at her. She had her head down, and I could tell that she was deep in thought.

After a while, she pulled her head back up and looked at me. All we did was look at eachother for what felt like hours, even if it was only for a few minutes.

I studied her features. She is so beautiful. I said to myself. Her beautiful blue eyes and long lashes. It was the first time I've ever noticed, but she had a scar going from above her left eyebrow, down to below her eye. But, I didnt care. She was still the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't hold back anymore.

I put my hand on her cheek and leaned forward.

Then... I kissed her.

Molly P.O.V
I had no time to respond before he started kissing me. But, I didnt pull back. I can't deny my feelings for him any longer. Love is a strong word, but it could be the right word eventually.

We both pull back, trying to catch our breath. Wow. I wasn't scared of him. Usually when anyone even touches me, I get scared and flinch away. I'm really starting to trust him.

Jaeden P.O.V
I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't hold back. I've been wanting to kiss her for so long now.

"Molly?" She looked up at me.


"Would my- my girlfriend? _______________________________________________

We've all been waiting for this moment, and it finally happened.

For once I dont have anything to say, so. See you in the next chapter.

To be continued....

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