Chapter 32

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Love, love is what I feel at this very moment. Love, happiness, pure happiness was something I never felt until Jaeden.

The tears began rolling down my face and Calumns too. He rubbed my back and I cried into his shoulder. The doctor got up from her seat, "I'll give you two a moment while I fill out some forms." She says and walks out of the room.

Calumn looks at me and cups my face in his hands. "Before you say anything at all. Just know that Jaeden will be happy and you will be an amazing mother. I just know it, I can feel it in my heart."

I begin to cry more, "I'm scared, so damn scared."

"Shh, it will be okay. I promise it will be okay." I calm down and stop crying, I pull back and he wipes my tears away. "Lets go tell him, shall we?"
Calumn and I went to a baby store across the street. I wanted to pick Jaeden something out to reveal the baby.

I looked through the clothing racks and gasped when I saw it. "Calumn look!" I held up the t-shirt.

"Oh my god, its perfect! Let's get it, come on!" He says excitedly and runs to the counter.

We exit the store and I put the shirt in a gift bag we had also gotten. "I'm so happy, beyond happy." I said, Calumn nodded.

"I'm gonna be the best uncle ever!" He danced around in his seat like a child. I laughed at him and shook my head.

Before I knew it, I was home. "I assume you want to go alone. Just incase it goes another way." He wiggles his eyebrows and grins.

"Oh shut it, you buffoon!" I laugh and slap his chest.

He crosses his arms over his chest and fake pouts, "meanie."

I laugh at him once again, "love ya." I say and get out of the car. "Love you too!" He yells, I continue to walk towards the house. Pulling out my keys, I unlock the door and yell for Jaeden. He runs down the stairs and hugs me tight.

"Whats that?" He asks pointing at the bag. "You'll see, sit down." I set down on the chair and he plops himself onto the sofa. I hand him the bag and he opens it. He holds up the shirt, "read it out loud." I smile, he nods and grins.

"Soon to be... Daddy? What, wait, youre-"

I smile and rapidly nod my head

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I smile and rapidly nod my head. He springs out of the sofa and picks me up. "I'm gonna be a dad!!" Jaeden yells, "I love you, I love you, I love you." He says between the kisses he places on my lips.

Things start to heat up and before I know it, I'm straddling him on the couch, while having a full on heated make out session.

I'm pretty sure you know where things went next..
                        6 months later

"My stomach gets in the way of everything, my god!" I screamed and groaned, while Calumn burst out laughing. "It's not funny, you ass." I say and throw the closest thing next to me right at him.

"Ow! Why did you throw a spoon at me?" He laughed, "it was the closest thing, and you were being an ass anyways." I fold my arms over my chest and looked at him with my eyebrows raised. Once again, he just laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"When will Jaeden be back, I'm tired of dealing with a pregnant, very hormonal woman." He grinned, and I turned around to finish cooking, not even acknowled-
ging his childishness. The world sized ego of his does not need a boost, especially from me.

Suddenly I heard the front door open, and in walked Jaeden. I turned and smiled at him and continued cooking. "Finally, shes been so mean all day!" Calumn said and wiped a fake tear, I once again just rolled my eyes and continued cooking.

A sharp pain all of a sudden abrupted from my stomach and I dropped to my knees. Jaeden and Calumns head flipped around immediately and they both ran to me. I clutched my stomach and cried in pain, when I felt something trickling I automatically thought my water broke.

"Shit," was all Calumn said when he looked down. Blood, alot of it. Jaeden wasted no time as he picked me up bridal style, ran out of the house along with Calumn, and placed me in the car.

Calumn stopped Jaeden, as he was completely freaking out. "Let me drive, you sit in the back with her." Jaeden nodded his head, not saying a word and came to the back with my. I lay on the seat clutching my stomach, Jaeden rubs my shoulder as I lay my head on his lap.


Jaeden picks me up and runs inside with Calumn. They run up to the front desk, the receptionist looks up with a shocked look written on her face. "We need a doctor now, my wife, shes 7 1/2 months pregnant. She dropped to the ground before we came and then started bleeding." The nurses expression worsened, and she began yelling for urgent care.

Jaeden P.O.V
Fear, it is a terrible thing to feel. It takes over everything, your body and mind, it consumes you until you can no longer function as a person.

I look down, pain and fear is written on Mollys face, I want to just take it all away. She looks up at me as the tears fall from both of us. "I- I love you," she croaks out before her eyes slowly shut...

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