Start from the beginning

                         She angrily yanked the ice packet from her sister's hand and gently pressed it to her eye, receiving a hiss, "Aurora, This is what? Your third fight this week?" She purposefully added more pressure-receiving a groan of pain. "Gods," She cursed. "I'm surprised Mr.D hasn't taken away your meal privileges."

                         Aurora shared a look with Annabeth, who only shook her head. She was all too familiar with how hot-tempered Aurora was, they were best friends after all. Yet, she couldn't help but remember the time Clarisse had made a snarky comment to Annabeth in front of Aurora resulting in the burly girl with a broken jaw.

                         No one said anything to Annabeth afterward.

                         Annabeth sat down beside Aurora and intertwined their fingers, "He gave her a warning. The Fifth fight leads to her getting turned into a snake," she gave her hand a squeeze when she felt Aurora tense at the mention of a snake. "He practically encouraged her to fight again, saying it was going to be one less kid he had to deal with"

                         Silena softened a bit and frowned. She retracted her hand from her sister's hand and placed it on her lap, her eyebrows furrowed, "Rory, You promised you'd stop."

                         Annabeth ignored the bustle of the infirmary and nodded, "She promised she'd stop five fights ago."

                         Aurora pulled her hand away from Annabeth and sent her a look, "Since when did you start counting?"

                         "Seven fights ago"

                         Aurora shook her head and groaned, "Unbelievable"

                         Silena suddenly put the ice pack once again on her sister's eye, "I'm serious, Aurora. The tension you have with the Ares kids needs to stop. This isn't going to end well," she gently pressed the ice packet to her eye before briefly glancing into her younger sisters eyes, "Why did you throw the first punch?"

                         Aurora gently pushed her older sister's hand away and took a sip of her nectar, sometimes she despised drinking it. It reminded her too much of the time her father was taken from her leaving her under Pepper's care. All those tearful nights when she begged the gods to return her father to her, were living vividly in her mind. Upon hearing her soft sobs, Pepper would bake her a small chocolate cupcake, like she did on every birthday, and placed it on her bedside.

                         The flavor was strikingly similar to the infamous birthday cupcake. It melted on her tongue and she could practically taste how authentic it tasted.

                         She fiddled with her fingers, a habit she had grown accustomed to when she was either uncomfortable or nervous, "They said something about my dad. About the time he was . . . gone."

                         Both Silena and Annabeth knew exactly what Aurora meant when she uttered the word 'gone'

                         "They said he finally got what was coming to him," they both failed to noticed the small quiver of her chin. "That I did too," she washed the frown away with a smile. "So, I beat the shit out of her."

                         Silena facepalmed, "Aurora, you can't just go around fighting everyone who disagrees with your father's actions. That's their opinion, it shouldn't matter to you."

                         "How badly were the injuries?"

                         Annabeth sighed and nodded her head to the corner of the infirmary. Aurora followed her gaze which landed on a Son of Apollo, Will Solace gingerly tending the red-headed girl she had tussled with. Oh, how that tables have turned, "She had a sprained ankle, broken nose, and a fractured wrist. According to Will, if she received more of your attacks . . . it would've been worse. Fortunately, Charlie got there in time. Gods, know what would've happened if he didn't."

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