He sat up, wondering what he would do for the day, sighing as sleepiness took over him. He hunched back, resting his head on the wall when he suddenly stirred, remembering what he had promised himself last night. 'I'll ask permission from ahjussi to court Y/N, and I'll be doing that tomorrow,' thought Jeongguk as he recited his statement he had thought the other night word per word. It was an absurd idea, yes, considering Jeongguk had only met the girl for only a few months, but he was determined. Determined to win Y/N's love for himself and to gain the trust of her father. Determined to make her the happiest person in the whole world. This action was not for the success and betterment of the given task to him, but rather, is a wholehearted and truthful request from himself.

Jeongguk stood up, nodding to himself as he fixed his bed, excited to confess all his love for the girl to her father. He was anxious- very anxious- but he promised to do his very best to win over Y/N's father.

"Let's do this!" muttered Jeongguk, encouraging himself as he patted his own head. "I can do this!"


"Jeongguk! Son! What brings you here?" asked Y/N's father, waving at Jeongguk who was standing still to come inside.

"O-Oh uh," stuttered Jeongguk, anxiously looking around. "I have something to discuss and ask from you, ahjussi. I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Of course you didn't, son. Come sit here," Y/N's father said, patting a vacant seat in front of him. After Jeongguk had sat down, he asked if the stressed man wanted anything to eat or drink, but was only answered with him shaking his head, muttering a "thank you" and bowing. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"


"Jeongguk! Good morning!" greeted Y/N as she walked past him, smiling as she sat down beside her father. "What brings you here?"

"He came here to ask me something," babbled Y/N's father, grinning. "What is it, Jeongguk?"

It was hard for Jeongguk to speak up when it was only Y/N's father in front of him, but now that even the girl he likes is there, he was much more nervous. The air was suffocating, and it did not help comfort Jeongguk's anxious self.

He sucked in air, clenching his fists and throwing it forward secretly, exhaling quite deeply. He recited multiple encouraging statements in his head, nodding along with it.

"Ahjussi, I would like to ask permission to," Jeongguk stopped, unsure of how he would put his words together. He clenched his fists even harder, and proceeded to bite his lower lip. "I would like to ask permission to court Y/N."

Y/N gasped, her eyes widening as she processed what the lad had said. Her father, on the other hand, remained calm and still, not uttering a word. Jeongguk was surprised, not because he had finally let out everything he wanted to confess, but because Y/N's father had not reacted to his request. He expected him to be appalled, hug his daughter and demand him to leave. But surprisingly, that did not happen.

"I knew there was something going on between you two," muttered Y/N's father, exhaling. "It was obvious, you know."

"I'm sorry, ahjussi," apologized Jeongguk, bowing.

"Why are you apologizing, son?" asked Y/N's father, smirking. "You surprise me, Jeongguk. From your unmistakably amazing strength, to your unbelievable charm that attracted everyone here in the village, even my daughter, Y/N."

Y/N blushed, fluttered. It was true she was one of the many people who admired Jeongguk's aspects, but she never thought of this happening. The boy she likes, asked her father to court her. It was a dream she did not want to wake up from, a dream that made her happy and loved.

The two teens patiently waited for the adult to talk, fiddling with their fingers while doing so. They looked down, embarrassed to look at each other.

"Alright," uttered Y/N's father, clasping his hands together. "You may do that."

"A-Ahjussi?" murmured the boy, looking up.

"You may court my daughter, Jeongguk," stated the old man, smiling gratefully.

Y/N smiled, muttering a small "thank you" and hugging her father. Jeongguk exhaled, happy that the request he was so anxious about was approved. He stood up, thanking Y/N's father and bowing multiple times before directing his gaze at Y/N, who looked very joyful.

"You seem very much happy, Y/N," the old man pointed out, poking his daughter's cheek.

"It's nothing, father," whispered Y/N, cupping her face.

"Now, let's go to work," proclaimed Y/N's father, standing up. He beckoned the other two to get up, and smirked when he saw them staring at each other- quite lovingly. 'I made a good choice,' he thought, smiling to himself. But what he did not know, was that his decision will be the later cause of his daughter's- and everyone else's- heartbreak and anger.


"That's it everyone! You may now all rest! Thank you!" exclaimed Y/N's father, clasping his hands together as he smiled at everyone. "Have a good night."

Everybody bowed, fixing what they had done and placing them aside to avoid accidents. They have been working all day, and they are glad it is finally over. They have been longing for the smooth surfaces of their beds, and they want nothing else but to feel and sleep on it.

Y/N stood up and walked with the rest, yawning and stretching her hands out. Just then, a hand pulled her into a bush, that someone hushing her.

"Jeongguk," Y/N gasped, looking at the young man. "Hi!"

"Hi, Y/N," whispered Jeongguk as he looked around. He had a primrose in his hand, which he just picked out, and he wanted to give it to the girl he likes. He reached out, shoving the flower onto Y/N's hand as he looked down, too embarrassed to look at the girl. "There, it's for you."

Y/N smiled, murmuring a small "aww" before hugging Jeongguk, who was then fluttered. "I love it! Thank you, Jeongguk," Y/N chortled, patting the lad's head. Y/N was happy, since Jeongguk noticed her love for primroses and heartfully gave one to her. She appreciated all he had done for her, but she believed that "thank you"s and "aww"s are not enough to compliment him. She thinks that hugs- would be enough to make him feel loved too.

"Did you know- that primroses are one of the very first flowers that grow and appear in spring?" uttered Jeongguk, blinking multiple times before smiling. "Spring's my favourite season of the year, and primroses are one of the flowers we see during this.

"You're as beautiful as a primrose, Y/N. You're one of the things I always look forward to seeing during my favourite time of the year. You're one of the many things that make me love and enjoy this world, despite of its many flaws and mistakes.

"Though you may hate me in the near future, promise me to always remember that I love you, although you may think otherwise. That I'm always here for you, although it does not seem like it. I love you, Y/N, and I promise to always do," recited Jeongguk, huffing. Finally, he had let out what he always wanted to say to the girl he likes. It may sound and be too cringy, yes, but the feeling of the person you like confessing how important you are to his life is lovely, is it not? The two blushed, too fluttered to say anything. By now, they believe nothing can stop their love for one another. Nothing will ever outweigh their romance, though we all know this was a lie.

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