"They are together!" Kelly says

"We know, Ryder has already told us" Raymond says and our moms start to freak out

"What!" Kelly says outraged.

"why didn't they tell us first?!" my mom says outraged

All of a sudden i feel Finns hand graze my thigh and i get butterflies as he slowly makes his way up and i bite my lip.

I look at him to see him smirking but he gives me an innocent look.

I move slightly and this catches the attention of Emily, "you alright Holly?"

"yeah why wouldn't i be" i ask

"i dunno you just kind of seem a bit, on edge" she says

Aww bless her little innocent heart.

I'm feeling more turned on then on edge.

I look at her and i see everyone looking at us, smirking.

They know, they aren't stupid.

He brings his hand to the inside of my thigh and my breath gets caught in my throat.

"right we're gonna go cause it's getting late" i say and i see my mom grinning at me like a village idiot



I turn off my phone and put it on the side before straddling him.

"Your playing a risky game" i say

"am i" he says before kissing my neck and i can't help but move it to let him get better access and i let out a moan and i feel him smirk against me

"please! no sex in the hot tub!" Bella shouts and we both look at her

I look at Finn with a cheeky look on my face and he gives me a look back that says what are you planning

"too late" i say, "contact has been made"

Finn chuckles but gets interrupted.

"noooooooo" she says with a mortified look on her face

"bella i'm just kidding" i say and she lets out a relieved sigh

"thank god" she says

"come on" i say getting up and he drags me back down

"i'm not finished" he says

"Well let's finish this off somewhere else" i say moving his hair of his forehead

"You know there's a gym here and a game room" He says suddenly

"really?" i ask "she didn't tell me that"

"yeah well to be fair it was late by the time you arrived here" he says and i nod

"true" i say picking up everything i have outside and we head upstairs

I quickly rinse off in the shower and put my pyjamas on.

I walk out of my room and there is silence.

Where is everyone?

I shrug it off and head downstairs.

I make my way into the living room and sit by the piano.

I start playing a few chord and they actually sound good together.

"I'm trying my best
But I'm only faking
In this world that
Games only thrive in
And I
Will cry
Cause I

I've been hearing storms
I've been seeing no reason
Having nothing to believe in
I'm just recklessly grieving
So just stop
Life is like a downcast
See I'm just falling down"

I carry on playing the chords but no more lyrics come to mind and i sigh before getting up and i turn around to see them aiming silly string at me.

"umm hi" i say but it comes out more like a question

"do you just like improvise?" Sophia asks looking at me

"like with song writing?" i ask


"yeah well it just comes to me" i say shrugging

I look back at them, "we're you trying to prank me?"


"Ryder" i say

"don't say anything" Ace hisses at him

"i can't! she's my best friend! the deal!" he whines

"don't say it"

"but i made a promise" he says

He's gonna break, he's never kept a secret from me.

"Don't you dare"


"Fine! Yes we were trying to but then you wrote the song and then we released we shouldn't stop talent" He says

"Ryder!" they at shout at him and i laugh

"Thanks Ryder, i can always trust on you" i say with a smile

He grins at me, "yeah you can"

Authors note:

Okay so I'm british and I thought I'd give this book a go, i then realised that I hardly know anything about the american education system lmao.

It's confusing to me, so if any of my readers are american please can someone give me advice? Maybe try and explain it please? Anything? I'm kinda hopeless to be honest

It would be very appreciated, hope you all have a good day! 💜

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