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Hey there...

Crappy Wattpad author here, how's it going?

Okay. So I have not updated in over a year and there's no apology that can make up for it.

Here's why I stopped.
1. I had a lot going on with school. Last year was the most trying for me, academically and basically all round so keeping up with Adina's Savior was becoming a struggle and between my studies and this book (which I actually love so much) I had to pick my studies.

2. This might sound silly but I was discouraged. While I was grateful for the readers I already had, I wanted more.
And like that silly Oliver Twist boy, not getting more upset me.

3. I had a lot to overcome emotionally and it wasn't easy to. And I'm not completely done overcoming but I'm getting there.

With this said, I am really sorry for waiting for a year to go by to update but I'm finally here, crawling back to the book I love and the people I write for.

Will you all forgive me? Please?

Thank God for the time I have now because I will use it and use it well.
It's a promise.

And may I just say a very might THANK YOU to my new readers.
I left this book last year with about 500ish reads but now?!

It's almost times ten!

I will try not to disappoint and try to make up for lost time.

I love you all so much and it's not even a lie.
Thank you so much for the reads and votes and comments and adding this book to your reading lists.
It means more than you know.

Love, Deezay1

Adina's SaviourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon