Adina's Reality

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I'll be alright. One day. Maybe not today but someday.

Lunch was not very good.

It was horrible and I know it's hard to imagine anywhere being horrible with Morgan but it was.

Because I wasn't with her.

Instead of laughing at something funny Morgan said or watching her and wondering how anyone could love food so much, I was facing Max.

I knew this day would come. When he would punish me for all that had happened lately.

When he would laugh at me and call me his 'fiance'.

Only he wasn't doing any of those.

For some reason he didn't seem to be very pleased with the whole marriage thing either.

"I suppose you've heard." He sounded angry. Which I could understand because I knew how much he hated me.

The feeling was mutual.

"I have. But you don't seem happy."

"Am I supposed to be? I have to live with you and I'm not sure how I'll survive that."


"How are you the victim right now?" I was furious. "For all the time I've known you, you've done nothing but make my life miserable. I know what hell feels like because of you." I had my fingers balled into fists.

"Who taught you to talk back?" He looked surprised. "I didn't know the dog could bark at it's master." And despite the shock he still managed to walk over me.

The smirk on his face deepened when I didn't respond.

"What? You seemed to have a lot to say to me not long ago, cat got your tongue? You don't have anything to say anymore?"

"Oh, she has so much to say to you."
We both turned to see Morgan. I wasn't so shocked to see her because saving me had been one of the many things she was good at.


"How'd you know we were here?" Max asked my question for me. "And what do you mean be 'she has a lot to say to me'?" There was an unreadable expression on his face.

"I don't know why she's not said all she has to say but I'm going to guess it's because she doesn't feel the need to try to reason with a bloody fool." Morgan replied, cocking her head and looking at Max like she was accessing a prey.


Max let out a frustrated laugh and ran his fingers through his hair. I had never seen anyone make him lose his cool.

It looked like Morgan was about to be the first to.

"What-?" He started.

"Look Max, I do not know what you both were talking about but I know that she has had enough of you for one day." And with that Morgan stormed off.

And me?

Oh, I was right behind her as she practically dragged me to the parking lot.

"Why?" She asked the moment we stopped walking. "Why do you let everyone push you around?" I wasn't sure I had ever seen her that angry.


"Lucy, Max, your mother. Why do allow them walk all over you?" I had known Morgan quite a while and that was the first time I saw tears in her eyes.

Wait, my mother? How did she...

"Why do you let them tell you how to live your life?"

"Morgan calm down." I tried to reach out to her.

Adina's SaviourWhere stories live. Discover now