Adina's Make-Over

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Beauty is truth's smile when she beholds herself in a perfect mirror.


With every stroke of the brush, I fought back a wave of tears. Every fresh layer of make up seemed to want to cover the pain my face held.

I looked up at the Navy Blue dress on the mannequin at the corner of the dressing room. Yes, my house had a dressing room and for that I was glad. I had a lot going on in my life, I didn't want to add strangers invading my privacy to the bunch.

I wanted to get the night over with and fast too. I had invited Morgan to the party but she turned me down, she had a good reason however. Her mother was going to be working late and she needed to take care of her little brother.

I was going to be in the same room with family but I knew I would be alone. My father would be present but he was Eric Powers, the party was more my mother's thing but it celebrated the successes of my dad's company than those of the family. Mainly because our family had no successes. Which was why he would be busy, talking to friends and business partners, probably laying steady foundations for deals and partnerships.

I sighed as I picked my phone, connecting it to the speakers in the room via Bluetooth, not caring that my movements could affect the turn out of my hairstyle.

I scrolled through a playlist of about a hundred songs-I didn't have a lot of songs-and picked one by a band that dominated my playlist.

Secrets, One Republic.

Just as I was about to close my eyes and get washed over by the strengthening power of One Republic, the door burst open and a happy Loren walked in.

I was caught between being pissed and being happy because she was and after a few seconds of debating with myself, I settled on the happier emotion.

"Oh Miss." She gasped, a little too dramatic for my liking. "You look ravishing." I smiled and thanked her but something about the way she said it made me doubt her words. "You look like an Egyptian goddess on her way to battle." She made an effort to dramatize as her hands were in the air doing things that were funny and confusing at the same time.

Yup. This woman was drunk.

"Uh, ladies? The boss needs you." She announced to the beauticians who looked pissed that she interrupted their work of art.

"Now?" The short one behind me asked, generously showing the annoyance in her voice.

"Mhmm." Loren nodded, a little nonchalantly, looking amused at how pissed they seemed. "Now. And she's about to cause a frenzy. This is the first job you've had with this family, don't make it your last." Loren smirked.

She actually smirked. I loved this woman.

"Now who-" The tall one by the mirror who looked like she was physically incapable of smiling started.

"You will all leave this room and attend to my mother." I ordered, surprising myself. I had never ordered anyone before, but these Disney witches had it coming. "Now." I stressed as they hesitated.

They hurried out of the room and Loren's eyes followed them out.

"That. Was. Amazing." She said, excitement lacing her words. Okay, I was positive that she was possessed by some spirit. A very childish spirit.

And I loved it.

"Loren?" I started tentatively. "Are you drunk?"

How tentative, Adina.

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