Adina's Dress

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Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.

Christmas was a week away and the people my mum hired to decorate our house for the Christmas party were everywhere.

She made sure they made the house look sparsely decorated but money was dripping from every decoration. One could tell, even though the house wasn't crowded with trees and Christmas lights, that filthy rich people lived here.

"Miss Powers, we need to go." Loren showed up at the staircase where I was standing and watching the ongoing buzz.
Going shopping for a dress for the party would have been a little more fun if I was doing it Morgan but Mother Mine said my dress "had to be perfect."
And because she's paying Loren, she can make her buy pretty much anything she wants.

I nodded and grudgingly walked down the stairs and out of the house. I was going shopping for a dress that I would most probably not like and for a party that I most definitely dreaded.

My life was just great.

We walked into a house. It looked simple and yet it was elegant. Scarcely decorated but showing off wealth and great taste. The house looked small, like it was meant for one person.

Loren and I moved to sit down as we waited for the owner of the house, while I wondered why anyone would leave their front door open.

"The weather is so cold and miserable, don't you think?" A woman wearing a night dress and holding what looked like a dress in progress breezed into the waiting room.

Her rich black complexion contrasted perfectly with the cream coloured night dress she had on.

Her eyes held a shine that seemed quite eccentric and despite the fact that I was just meeting her, she looked like the mad scientist of fashion.

And with all that been considered, there was no way my mother sent me to her. She'd rather have a high class, prim and proper and very well known designer make my dress for the party.

So I turned to Loren in my state of mild confusion and was met with the sheepish smile on her face.

"This isn't your usual fashion go to, I know and I'm sorry but I've seen her work and I thought you'd like to try something new." She explained, looking slightly scared.

"My mom is most probably..."

"Going to kill me." She said and I laughed. I saw her relax and at that moment I felt closer to her.

"Looking at you, I'm going to say Navy blue best complements your skin tone." Mad Fashion Scientist got both our attention as she gently but firmly held me up and basically dragged me to the mirror as she stood behind me, holding my chin up and examining God-knows-what.

"It's a Christmas party..." I started, barely being able to speak with the way she held my chin up.

"Yes yes, honey but that's exactly the point. Everyone will be wearing a red or white dress. The ones who want to be 'different'." She actually did the air quote sign "will be wearing black." And then she dramatically spun me around.
"But you my Darling, you will be donned in the most beautiful Navy blue dress that has it's train flowing almost a mile behind you." Yup, this woman had definitely caught crazy from somewhere.

But strangely I trusted her.

I mean, the half-done dress in her hand was already a masterpiece.

"So when do I get the dress?" I asked walking back to Loren and sitting on the sofa.

"The day of the party." She replied with a really casual air.

"Oh okay." I stood to go but then stopped in my tracks. "Wait, what?" I turned to face her. "I can't get the dress on the day of the party. What if I'll want to make adjustments? What if it's not a perfect fit?"

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