Adina's Undoing

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Love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to.

Life is an unfair mix of bitter and sweet.

Unfair because, if the bitter part of life and the sweet part of life were placed on a scale, I don't have to say which would be heavier.

Staring at the financial report of SafeTech Inc. in my hands, whatever hope I had was destroyed.

My father's company was actually going under.

It was a shock because SafeTech was the best in Manhattan. Practically every company in the city hired them for whatever form of tech security. They had developed applications and softwares over the years that enhanced cyber security and helped companies track the safety of their money, shares and information. The uniqueness of my father's company was that it helped businesses that were financially unstable with tips on the apps and softwares and also loans.

Max's father ran a similar company, although his just helped them monitor their money.

According to the report, everything was great until last month when the company suddenly started losing investors and shares and clients.

The change was so sudden, it was unbelievable.

I took a deep breath, grabbed two copies of the report-thank goodness there was a good number of them-and headed downstairs where Damien was waiting in the garden.

We had an assignment to finish.

I walked through the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for me and a tray of muffins for Damien.

I needed to calm down and coffee was all I needed right then to help me.
Coffee felt like Therapy.

"How long do we have to hide?" I heard my mum whine to someone on the phone.

Who in the world was she talking to?

"I know, I know but who cares about what they think? I've been patient for too long. A little too long."


"I want to be with you." And just when I thought Mother Mine couldn't do any worse. "You think I'm okay with another woman latching unto your arm at events and in front of cameras? That's my place."

The tiny pieces of my heart broke into smaller pieces.

My father was being cheated on. I could handle this woman's cruelty, but I couldn't take my father going through the hell of rejection I'd had to endure.

God, I hated this woman.

I gripped the tray and cup in my hands and steadied myself. I was going to cry, oh I was. But later.

And just as I was about to leave...

"Come on, Jerry."I halted.

It couldn't be. There were millions of people in the world with that name.

"Oh so when I was just a fling in college, you didn't care that you were a Walker?"


As in, Jerry Walker?

She was cheating on my father with the freaking enemy!

I walked to the garden where Damien was furiously typing away on his laptop. We had made a lot of progress with our assignment and he was so happy about it, I didn't feel the need to dampen his mood.

So I put on a fake smile.

"So we're almost done." Damien said as I handed him a muffin. "We just need a concluding paragraph."

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