Adina's In-law

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If you think it can't get any worse, it most probably can.

Telling Max all I heard my mom talk about on the phone with his dad felt weird.

Once upon a time, I hated this guy with all passion and here I was, telling him something that could destroy my family.

I looked for reasons to trust him but still did even when I found none. I could say Damien taught me to take risks and even though I was grateful for that, I was afraid.

Afraid of all that would follow this unlikely alliance with the person who used to beat me to absolute pulp.

"That's what Sanders meant when he said my dad had a fling." Max said, looking at nothing in particular.

"You think my mom has history with your dad?" I asked.

"You said your mom was saying something about how she was tired of waiting, right?" I nodded. "That means they've been together longer than we know."

"So you think we can use this against him?" I asked and he nodded.

I took a deep breath and counted to five, mentally bracing myself to meet with the man who's shoving me into hell itself.

It was finally time to meet the father of my husband-to-be.

Of course I had met him before, at business parties I went with my dad every once in a while and not to mention his face regularly popped up on television.

But meeting him about getting married to his son was a completely different matter.

It was scary.

Not just because the idea of spending the rest of my life Max terrified me but there was something about the man that was unsettling.

"I apologise for keeping you waiting." Mr. Jerry Walker breezed into his minimally furnished yet tasteful office where Max and I had been waiting.

He flashed his immaculate teeth at us and gestured with his hand for us to have our seats.

So this was the man who was trying to ruin my family.

"I apologise again because I won't be able to stay for long but before I leave..." He reached under his table and took out a small box which I suspected held jewelry. "A gift for the bride to be."

"Thank you sir." I said, trying very hard to be polite. I opened the box to see a pair of beautiful earrings, heart-shaped earrings studded with diamonds.
"They're beautiful."

"Yes, yes they are." He said and faced Max. "I believe you both have agreed on a date for the wedding."

This mad man.

"We're not getting married." Max said.
The look on Mr. Walker's face knocked breath out of me.

"What was that? I don't think I heard well." This man before me was the icy cold person Max was but a million times colder.

"We're not getting married." Max repeated. His voice shook a little the second time, showing how scared he was of his father.

"Oh you are getting married." His father replied with a very casual air and very matter-of-factly. He made it look like we were having a normal conversation.
Well he looked like he was having a normal conversation, Max and I looked like both our lungs were being ripped out.

"Calling you here to talk about a date was only a formality. I already have a date set, your mother and I." Mr. Walker had a poker face on that made me sick and made the hairs on my body stand.

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