We are screwed.

Suddenly, the door opened and two men came in, dressed in all black, just like Gage said.

"Who are you? What do you want!" I screamed, writhing in my chair, the two looked at each other, "What? No English? Or are you fucking aliens? What the hell are we doing here!" I was angry now. One of them came over and untied my legs, "Don't touch me." I spat.

He slapped me across the face, the metallic taste of blood pooling in my mouth. I flexed my jaw, "Is that all you got." I hissed, "Don't provoke them, Elle." Gage said.

When my legs were untied, I kicked them, forcing one of them onto his ass, "Get away from me you freak." He got up, stronger and angrier, he towered over me, "What do you want from me?" 

He grabbed my by the neck, squeezing until I was basically out of breath. I felt my arms go limp as they were cut free. When his fingers released my neck, I was being dragged out by my arm, I saw Gage getting uncut too, "Don't touch him! Don't fucking hurt him or I swear to God!" 

Gage called after me and I called back, but it was no use. I was being dragged into another room, a smaller one this time. He threw me onto the bed, tying my legs to the bed with cuffs, "Let go of me." I hissed, hitting his back with my fist. 

Suddenly, I felt something being inserted into my skin, I looked down, seeing a needle in my skin. It was connected to an IV drip, "What? Are you a fucking doctor?" He looked at me, "Didn't think so. Now let me, go." I glared at him. But I started to feel light headed, they were taking my blood, "Wait why are you taking my blood? What are you doing?" I tried to unhook my arms but one was cuffed with leather belts and the other was tied with rope, the one with the needle.

I lay my head down, closing my eyes as tears flowed down them. 

When I woke again, I wasn't alone. I had hoped it was all a dream but it wasn't. The same guy as before was attaching a new bag. I saw that 2 bags of my blood was already drained, they were sitting in a cooler full of ice. 

"Hey, w-what are you doing with my blood? Please." I shouted. My voice was raw, weak, "How long have I been out for?" I plead, "2 days." My eyes went wide, "2 days. 2 fucking days? What the hell is wrong with you." I screamed. 

"Sit still." The guy said, holding down my shoulders so I stopped squirming. I tried to release my knees so I could kick him in the dick but it didn't work, "Is my friend alive? Please let him go and you can h-have me. I promise." I pleaded, my heart beating erratically, "He is alive. For now."

"For now? You bastard!" I yelled, as the echo of the door slamming made my ears numb.

They're going to bleed my dry. And then I'll die. 

What did I do to deserve this? I did everything right. I went to school, had a job, paid taxes and tipped. Why God? What did I do? 

I heard Gage screaming in another room, it was distant, but I heard it. "GAGE?" I yelled, "GAGE?" I hoped he could hear me. I thrashed my body round, hoping to loosen something. But nothing happened, "Hey! Men in black." I screamed, my throat hurting, "Tell me what you want? What are you doing with my blood?" My head was fuzzy, "Are you giving it to Vampires, healing the sick? Curing werewolf disease? Fucking tell me you cowards!" 

The door burst open a second later, "You've got a mouth on you don't ya." One of the guys said, furious, "He speaks. I was beginning to think you were mute or something."

To say I was scared was an understatement, but I kept my ground, "What an imagination too, aye Ty." He looked to the other guy, who wasn't so convinced, "Tell me what you're doing with my blood? I deserve to know, especially if you're making some mutant alien babies." 

The first guy chuckled, "You'll see very soon." "That tells me nothing." He grinned, "It's not supposed too." 

"Please, w-why are you doing this?" I said, feeling drowzy as the other guy injected something into my IV. "We're making more zombies." I felt my heart literally skip a beat, "Why? They killed the entire population." "Exactly. We're making a new population, wit zombies. But we need your blood to do it." I fisted my hands into balls, "Why?" He tapped my nose, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"You'll never get away with this!" I screamed.

"We already have, Elle." 

* * * 


drama up ahead, just saying!!

tell me what you think.

happy reading :)

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