Sick day

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"Okay.." I mumbled as I scroll to the flood of pictures and videos on showing how to bake a cake.

"Baking a cake is easy right?" I took out the ingredients and the tools that was needed. I grinned, already feeling like an expert.

"Okay so far so good..besides the mess that is..." I took some melted butter and spread it all across the pan, I looked back at my phone for the next steps.

"Tip. Never use melted butter when softened butter is called for. It will ruin the cake texture..." I just blinked at my phone then on the pan I was holding.

"Whyyyyyyyy?" I whined. "It's just one mistake, it's not like I'm gonna burn the house down."

I continued on following what seems like dozens(10) steps and finally get to put the cake in the oven. I fanned myself as I feel hot, sweats dripping down my face.

"When did it got so hot?" I took one more glance of the cake in the oven and turned, facing the messy counter. It was like a disaster, really.

"I'll clean the later.." I went to the living, and flopped down the couch. Letting out a exhausted breath.

"God, who knew baking would be so exhausting?"


"Thank god, work is over. I wonder what Y/N is up to." I said to myself and continued driving home.


I jolted awake as I heard the fire alarm going off.

"Shit! The cake!" I ran from the living room to the kitchen and widen my eyes in horror as I saw flames and smoke coming out of the oven.

"C/N gonna kill me! Ow!" I pulled my hand away as I burned myself.


I opened the door to our house and smelled smoke clearly coming from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and saw mess everywhere, and a flour covered Y/N taking something out of the oven.

Y/N smiled sheepishly as she held a burnt cake right in front of me, I began to smile and shook my head playfully.

"Oh Y/N..let's get you cleaned up." She place the cake down the counter and as I place my hand on her cheek, I gasped.

"Y/N your burning up!" She shivered.

"Oh, I thought the room was hot..carry me?" I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her cuteness and did as she told. I carried her bridal style and took her up our room.

"Go change babe. I'll just grab water and the thermometer." I said to her, I went back downstairs and sighed deeply at the mess. I poured water into a glass and got the thermometer, I went back up to see Y/N curled up. With the covers over herself.

"Ok, open up." She opened her mouth and I place a wet towel on her forehead, she whined in discomfort.


"It will help you feel better." I said and took out the thermometer out of her mouth as it started to beep. I started to stand up but was stopped by Y/N's hand.

"Don't leave.."

"I'm just gonna clean the mess, I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay.." She said in a small voice, I went back down and into the kitchen. I started to clean the counter, and discard the equipment into the sink to wash them. I wiped my hands with a dry towel and started to smile as my eyes landed on the cake Y/N tried to make. I just left the burnt cake where it was and went back up, I first entered the bathroom to take some medicine for her and I walk up to the bed.

"Y/N...I know you awake. Come on, you need to drink this." She still didn't budge.

"Y/N..." I said, warning her. She turned her head and pouted.

"It taste awful..."

"It isn't that bad babe.." That was a total lie, it literally made her want to throw up the last time she drank it.

Y/N took the small plastic cup and drank the syrup, gagging in process. She stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"See? All done." I place the syrup and plastic cup down on the bed side table. I climb in bed and wrapped my arms around her waist, her back was laying flat on the bed since the wet towel was still on her forehead. It was dark but I can see her still awake.

"What was the cake for Y/N?"

"It was for you..your birthday is tomorrow.." I felt my heart melt, I forgot about my own birthday but she didn't..gosh, I'm so lucky.

"Aww babe. That's so sweet of you, but please tell me next time if your gonna cook or bake.." She giggled softly.

"What happens when we die?" She said then coughed.


"What is a soul?" I shook my head, knowing it's Y/N's sickness, causing her to be all cute and act like a 5 year old.

"Well, soul is the spiritual part of a human being or animal.."

"If our soul goes to heaven...does our fart go to?" I laughed loudly at Y/N's question.

"Oh Y/N..let's just go to sleep.."

"Yea, I'm pretty slee-" Y/N doze off quickly, I hugged her tighter and smiled as she began to snore.

-Next morning-


I woke up by the bright sun, I shield my eyes with my hand. I felt much better than yesterday.

"Good morning.." I smiled and pulled C/N back into the bed and cuddled with her.


"Did you remember what you said last night?"

"What did I said last night?" I asked her, because I honestly don't really know.

"You questioned if our farts also go to heaven." She burst out laughing, my face was flushed red in embarrassment.

"I did?"

"Loud and clear." She smiled sweetly and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I leaned in touch as she caressed my cheek.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I whispered and kissed her hand.

"Thank you for baking me a cake, but almost burned the house down...again." I groaned and playfully pushed her.

"I'm being all lovey and you're just being all mean.." I pouted, she wrapped her arms around my waist and place a kiss on my shoulder, my lips slowly curved into a smile.

"Aww, I'm sorreeyy.."

"Happy birthday babe." I turned into her arms and kissed her with passion and love.


A/N: This was requested by Achie4214.

I hope I didn't let you down! Hope you guys like it too!❣️

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