I thought I'd lost you

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I smiled as i saw her talking happily with her friends, gosh she's an angel..

"Someone's in love!!" I saw her looked towards my direction and i quickly hide pulling my friends with me. I glared at Hannah.

"Seriously?" Hannah smirked, Jesse looked at us in disgust.

"Uh, why would you have a crush?? Like..it's not like they're are partner in crime or something.." i rolled my eyes at Jesse.

"Well, perhaps you just say those thing because all you can think of is that anime ship of yours. Your 'OTP'" i smirked, Jesse pointed her finger at me.

"Hey! Bakudeku is lifeu! Anddd, all of the guys here are ugly." (A/N:i literally have no clue about anime, so i'm sorry! T-T)

"Jesse, your a tomboy! Go fetch girls if you think guys are ugly, cause girl's are fine..." i wiggled my eyebrows, Jesse just looked at me, maybe regretting being with me right now.

"I am NOT a tomboy!" Hannah and i just looked at her.

"Prove it that i am a 'tomboy'" Jesse continued.

"Okay first, you like starting fights, like most boys do,"

"Don't girls usually start fights-"

"That's not the point here. And you hate! As in HATE wearing dresses. You also dress like a tomboy."

"Okay you got a point about dressing a bit like a tomboy, but im not a tomboy! I just like wearing something comfortable, i don't need to impress someone."

"Guys, we have to head up now, the bell just rang." Hannah dragged us up the stairs, leaving the both of us groaning.

We are at out class till i really needed to go to the restroom.

I raised my hand, and told my teacher that i needed to use the restroom. My teacher nodded and i stood up making my way to the restroom and did my business.

As i went out the stall i saw a girl washing her face. I went beside her and wash my hands. She then wiped her face and-

"Oh jeez!" Water spilled into my shirt as i jumped when i know who was the girl beside me.

"Are you okay?" C/N asked, and looks like she is trying her best not to laugh.

"Y-y-yea, i'm t-totes f-f-fine.." Really, Y/N! Gosh this is so embarrassing!

She then chuckled softly, and gosh it was music to my ears.

"Here, have my extra shirt. You need it." I widen my eyes, yes please.

"Uh, no! It's okay! I-I don't need it." I smiled shyly at her. She handed her shirt to me.

"I insist! You can give it back another time." Then she walked away, when she was gone, i squealed and inhaled her scent.

"Gosh, she smells so good! And gosh, i sound like a total creep.." i changed my shirt into her shirt.

I went back to class, blushing furiously. Not noticing all eyes one are me.

"Oh Y/N, why is your shirt different?"

"Oh uh, i accidentally spilled water on myself..and I didn't have extra so C/N let me borrowed hers." I tried to hide my blush, which failed miserably.

"Okay, take your seat. Back to our discussion." My teacher turned back to the board and wrote things, which i don't really care. What i am focused on is the shirt i'm wearing right now..and how the hell it fit on me.

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