I can't help it

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There was I, again..crying over her at night. I mean, it's unnecessary. But I can't help it.

'How can a girl like her, fall in love with a girl like me?' I thought as I look at my screen.

Scrolling through pictures of her. Why can't I just stop overthinking? She loves me..I know she does, but am I enough for her though? What if she just wants the attention I give her? What if all this 'thing' we got right now is all fake? No..she wouldn't do that..she said she'd stay.

But what if she finds someone more better? Why am I so replaceable?

My breath hitched as my her name popped up on my screen. I wiped my tears first before answering her call.

"Hey Y/N!!"

"Hi, how did your day go?"

"Good..but yet again, bummed.."

"Why? What's wrong love?"

I smiled a bit as I see her beamed at the nickname.

"I'm not there with you..that's why I'm bummed out." She pouted, I chuckled softly.

"You could still imagine me as your pillow, darling."

"But I want to be able to hug you..put my head on your chest, listen to your heartbeat.."

I stopped, and felt tears almost coming out of my eyes. Damn, how did I get this lucky?

"Y/N? Why are you crying?"

"Huh, I'm not..just a bit sleepy I guess. You don't have to worry about me, love."

"Y/N...I notice the tear streaks on your cheeks. What's wrong?"

"Well..my favorite character just died in the movie," I lied.


"That's the reason love..nothing else." I smiled at her. C/N still looked at me with a concern look.

"I'm going to sleep, kinda tired. Goodnight darling, I love you." I continued, feeling like I'll burst out anytime.

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you so much. Sweet dreams!"

C/N threw me a flying kiss through the screen, I just smiled and ended the call.

"Do you really mean it though?" I whispered to myself, laying my phone down on top of my bedside table. Freaking long distance. I miss her so much, the last time I saw her was almost 8 months ago, but I'd be seeing her next month..so that's good.

What if she's seeing someone else, someone else more close to her. DANG WHY DID I THOUGHT OF THAT. That just made me feel ten times worse. Well, I mean..we aren't a thing.

Why am I even feeling like this? It's because I know I'm replaceable, she could leave me and date someone else. There are so many people waiting for her, to be with her. She could find someone better.

And she seems to be getting close with others. Who am I kidding? She's just making friendssss!! Oh my god Y/N, when will your overthinking stop?

I snuggled into her pillow and sniffed as the water works started once again. She love me. C/N loves me. Right?


-next month-

"Andddd here's your black coffee m'lady." C/N chuckled, handing me the coffee. I gave her a small smile and thanked her.

C/N's grin faded, she sat across me and held my hand on top of the table, trying to get me to look at her.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

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